Can the death of the anterior epithelium result from loss of epithelial fiber contact and, therefore, be a secondary consequence of defective fiber migration? Several studies report a defect in migration of the anterior tip of the lens fibers in mice that is very similar to what we describe.
72,73,80 However, this defective migration was not accompanied by massive cell death, suggesting that the ALE can survive without fiber interactions and that the cell death observed in the
Nestin-Cre; ILKfl/fl anterior lens epithelium is, indeed, a consequence of ILK deletion. However, it is notable that ILK deletion has been performed in various organs and generally is not linked to cell death or cell survival issues in vivo.
17,22 Most of the studies that have shown ILK inhibition contributing to cell death have been performed in vitro.
18,28,29,16 When cell death is detected as a result of ILK deletion in vivo, it is in a pathological context of hepatitis,
16 where cells, therefore, are stressed. Apart from anoikis, an alternative cell death/survival pathway that involves regulation of ILK levels is resistance of cells to stress.
30,81 In cultivated lens epithelial cells, inhibition of ILK binding and/or activity results in increased death following serum deprivation or exposure to tunicamycin.
30 Moreover, the authors indicate that their results point to an apoptotic mechanism, but do not formally exclude non-apoptotic mechanisms. Interestingly, in the ILK-deleted anterior epithelium, electron microscopy evidenced massive vacuolization of the cytoplasm, and accumulation of double-membraned vacuoles containing degenerating material that closely resemble autophagosomes,
64 and point to an autophagic cell death as defined by Kroemer et al.
64 Autophagy is induced as a means of cell survival during cell stress, such as nutrient deprivation or trophic factor withdrawal, by digesting and recycling non-necessary material, but can lead to cell death upon sustained exposure to stress.
63,64 A possible, yet untested, explanation in the ILK-deleted anterior epithelium is that the cells cannot benefit from the aqueous growth factors as the capsule, which is a reservoir for growth factors, and the interface between the aqueous and the epithelium is impaired, leading to elevation of autophagy as a mean to supply energy and, ultimately, to cell death as the stress factor (i.e., ILK deletion and capsule deficiency) is not withdrawn.