The current gold standard for glaucoma screening is a comprehensive eye examination including an IOP measurement, dilated fundus examination, and visual field evaluation by an eye care specialist. However, a low percentage of individuals seek routine eye care in the office setting, leaving many individuals unscreened for glaucoma. An alternative is to supplement office-based screening with community-based screening for patients who might otherwise not be seen in a doctor's office. The intent of our Markov model was to assess the impact of community screening using SD-OCT on visual function, as measured by visual fields, due to glaucomatous damage. The secondary intent was to assess the cost of the screening implementation. Using patient level simulation data, we found that screening decreased the prevalence of undiagnosed glaucoma from 75% to 38%, assuming a 60% follow-up rate after failed screening test. In addition, for every 100 glaucoma patients screened with SD-OCT, there were five fewer patients with glaucoma-related severe visual field loss after 10 years than in their unscreened counterparts. Screening implementation would result in a one-time cost of $98 per screened individual. When screening costs included treatment, annual costs rose to $79 per patient screened over a 10-year time horizon, suggesting that the bulk of the incremental cost of screening is the result of disease management and treatment. The cost of one QALY gained by screening in comparison to opportunistic case finding ranged from $46,416 to $67,813. In comparison, the cost per QALY gained for the meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine is $138,000/QALY and the cost per QALY gained for installing rear seat belts ranges from $160,000 to $830,000/QALY gained.
Our work is in keeping with recent studies that have found glaucoma screening to be cost effective. A recent microsimulation model by Ladapo and colleagues
31 evaluated the implementation of frequency doubling technology as a community-screening tool for African American patients who are 50 to 59 years of age. The study found a 0.5% decrease in glaucoma-related blindness at a cost of $80 per screened individual when considering only the cost of the FDT and a confirmatory eye examination. In comparing the results of this study with ours, it is important to note that Ladapo's model used central visual acuity as the primary effectiveness endpoint. Increasing evidence suggests that even early visual field loss will have a negative impact on vision-related quality of life.
32,33 As such, using central visual loss as a primary endpoint might fail to capture the true effectiveness of a glaucoma screening study. Another study evaluated the cost effectiveness of opportunistic glaucoma case detection during routine ophthalmologic visits in the United States. In this study, Rein and colleagues
26 found a cost of $46,000 per QALY gained and concluded that office-based detection is a cost-effective way to reduce glaucomatous visual loss. Our study differs from Rein's model in two important ways. First, our study evaluated community- and not office-based detection. Factors such as financial limitations, difficulty with transportation, inadequate disease knowledge, and limited access to care may reduce the number of individuals seeking office-based screening. Second, although QALYs are a common measure of health-related utility, some experts argue that the concept of a QALY fails to accurately capture patients' actual perceptions and preferences.
34 In glaucoma research, the inherent weaknesses of the QALY as a utility measure are compounded by limited data and varying assignment of QALY values when different methodological approaches are applied.
35 Despite these limitations, to be comprehensive in our results we have taken into consideration the incremental cost per QALY gained. However, given the variability in glaucoma-specific QALYs, we chose to use visual function as measured by category of visual field loss as a more concrete and clinically meaningful effectiveness measure.
The results of this study are subject to the reliability of our parameters estimates. To ensure that the value of an individual parameter does not substantially affect our results, we ran a sensitivity analyses. These results suggest that visual function was markedly greater in screened patients than unscreened patients regardless of the variability of the parameter estimates. Poor follow-up rate and decreased treatment efficacy negatively impacted visual preservation.
There are at least six limitations of this study. First, we estimated the rate of visual field progression from the EMGTS, as it is the one longitudinal study that monitored high-tension glaucoma patients without treatment.
22 However, given the significant visual disability and blindness in African-derived glaucoma patients, it has been hypothesized that African persons may have a faster rate of progression than their European-derived counterparts. However, we believe the use of the untreated EMGT arm was justified in this model as previous work has suggested an earlier onset of disease in African Americans, but no differences in rate of progression among racial groups. Furthermore, our visual field progression results are similar to the 10-year follow-up of the St. Lucia study, whose cohorts consisted primarily of African-derived persons.
Second, MD was used as the primary visual field classification in evaluating the functional damage of glaucoma. Confounding factors such as cataract might have an independent effect on MD. Since we did not consider cataract status for patients entering the model, the final MD for both the screened and unscreened cohorts in our model may underestimate the true final MD once the impact of cataract is considered. However, we anticipate this difference is slight as studies suggest that cataract extraction in patients with perimetric glaucoma only improves MD minimally.
Third, several studies have demonstrated that treatment offers a 50% reduction in progression of glaucoma. Although this rate of reduction has been derived from several large-scale clinical trials of mixed race/ethnicity,
20–22 it has not been evaluated in exclusively African-derived patients. It is possible that the higher incidence of visual morbidity in this population results from decreased response to treatment. Furthermore, it is known that patient adherence to treatment is suboptimal in the general patient population. A 50% reduction in progression may reflect a well-controlled and monitored clinical-trial population and not the population at large.
Fourth, since undetected patients are not receiving treatment, the model assumed that such patients had no societal cost. This assumption was made because the unit of analysis for the model was the worse eye and not the individual, and because there is insufficient data to describe indirect costs of visual loss. Particularly in more severe glaucoma, indirect costs are a tremendous driver of expense.
37 As such, this model overestimates the incremental cost of screening over opportunistic case detection.
Fifth, because of limited data on the annual transition rates from undiagnosed to clinically diagnosed glaucoma, the model assumes that the study population would not otherwise seek office-based eye care and, therefore, would remain undiagnosed and untreated. Although this assumption may bias the model toward greater visual disability in the unscreened group, we felt this relative loss in effectiveness in the unscreened arm was partially offset by the assumption that untreated patients incurred no societal cost, as discussed above. Future studies should be aimed at assessing these transition probabilities.
Finally, there is a significant body of literature evaluating the diagnostic performance of SD-OCT in the office setting. However, there is limited SD-OCT data in the community setting and to date there is no published data with regard to SD-OCT community screening in an entirely African American population. Since the Bengtsson study
15 was performed in an exclusively European-derived population, it was unclear whether the study's results were generalizable to our model. However, we felt its use was acceptable because prior studies have demonstrated that race does not appear to have an effect on the diagnostic performance of imaging.
38 Furthermore, given the limited data, the model assumed that the SD-OCT technology, treatment efficacy, and life expectancy would remain unchanged over the 10-year time horizon of the study.