Eyes with preperimetric localized RNFL defects and normal control eyes meeting the eligibility criteria were consecutively enrolled from the Glaucoma Clinic of Seoul National University Hospital during the period from May 2008 to October 2008. In cases in which both eyes of a subject were eligible for the study, only one eye was randomly chosen for inclusion. When one eye was preperimetric and the other was normal, the preperimetric eye was selected for this study. The study adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Seoul National University Hospital. Informed consent was obtained from all subjects.
All subjects underwent a complete ophthalmic examination including visual acuity, manifest refraction, intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements by Goldmann applanation tonometry, slit lamp examination, gonioscopy, dilated fundus examination with a 78-D lens, color disc photography, red-free RNFL photography (VX-10; Kowa Optimed, Tokyo, Japan), Swedish interactive thresholding algorithm (SITA) 30-2 perimetry (Humphrey field analyzer II; Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, CA), Cirrus spectral-domain OCT (Carl Zeiss Meditec), and Stratus OCT (Carl Zeiss Meditec).
All subjects had a best-corrected visual acuity of 20/40 or better, spherical equivalent refractive error within ±5.00 D, astigmatism within ±3.00 D, an open anterior chamber angle, good quality of red-free photography, and reliable VFs. The inclusion criteria were normal standard automated perimetry (SAP) results in at least two tests. Normal VF indices were defined as a mean deviation and pattern standard deviation within 95% confidence limits and a glaucoma hemifield test result within normal limits.
We excluded eyes with a history of uveitis, ocular surgery other than cataract extraction, or diseases that may affect the peripapillary area where OCT measurements are obtained (e.g., large peripapillary atrophy, chorioretinal coloboma, and peripapillary staphyloma). Eyes with consistently unreliable VFs (defined as false negative >33%; false positive >33%; and fixation losses >20%) were excluded from the study.
Subjects were assigned to either the preperimetric localized RNFL defect group or the normal control group. The preperimetric localized RNFL defect group was defined as those having a localized wedge-shaped RNFL defect clearly visible by red-free fundus photography with normal SAP results. The normal control group was defined as those having an IOP ≤ 21 mm Hg with no history of increased IOP, absence of glaucomatous disc appearance, no visible RNFL defect according to red-free RNFL photography, and a normal SAP result. Absence of glaucomatous disc appearance was defined as an intact neuroretinal rim without peripapillary hemorrhages, notches, or localized pallor.