Gap junction communication has a pivotal role in tissue development and maintenance through homeostatic control of cooperative, interacting cells within tissues and organs.
1 Gap junctions are formed by connexin proteins,
2 and are correlated positively with cell proliferation and the rate of migration of immature cells.
3–5 Gap junction dysfunction has been linked to a variety of human diseases, including cataracts, cardiovascular anomalies, peripheral neuropathies, deafness, diabetes, and skin disorders.
6–8 Gap junctions influence cellular phenotypes in wound healing skin,
9 and mediate the spread of cell injury and death during myocardial ischemia–reperfusion.
10 Loss- or gain-of-function connexin mutations may change cellular phenotypes in the developmental axis, leading to diseases of the skin.
9,11,12 Furthermore, previous studies have demonstrated that gap junction expression in the embryo is diverse, with specific cell types expressing different connexins, which may imply differences in the function of these intercellular channels in different loci and developmental stages.
The functions of gap junctions in nonexcitable tissues are only recently starting to become understood. They likely have a role in coordinating cell division activity during embryonic tissue development. Studies also have linked them to the wound healing process. In addition, because the cornea is an avascular structure, gap junctions likely serve as a route for the distribution of nutrients and metabolites.
15 Diffusion coefficients directly reflect gap junction permeability, and, thus, quantitatively define the functionality of the gap junctions under the stated conditions. The corneal epithelium has three major phenotypes that are influenced by their location along the vertical axis of the epithelium, and are defined as superficial squamous cells, middle wing cells, and inner basal cells. Thoft and Friend
16 proposed that the basal cells of the epithelium are formed in the limbal region. As these cells divide, they migrate toward the surface to form the wing cells in the middle layers of the epithelium. As the outer surface layers slough off into the tear film, the wing cells flatten out and take their place as the new surface cells. This process appears to work for daily maintenance and wound healing.
It is known that all cell layers of the corneal epithelium contain functional gap junctions.
15,18,19 Previous studies have examined the diversity of gap junctions in the corneal epithelium cell using electron microscopy,
20 immunostaining,
21 and microinjection techniques.
22 In recent years, previous studies have detected expression of connexins 26, 30, and 43 in mouse (Djalilian AR, et al.
IOVS 2004;45:ARVO E-Abstract 3769) and human corneal epithelium using RT-PCR.
23 Multiple gap junction genes and proteins have been described during development of lens, retina, embryo, and skin.
24–28 Moreover, the combined use of electrophysiology, live-cell imaging, and molecular biology has brought new insights into gap junction function in the cells of the eye. Ex vivo gap junctions functioning in corneal epithelia, except for superficial squamous cell, were first observed by our group using microelectrode dye injection of 5,6-carboxyfluorescein.
18 However, systematic quantification of corneal epithelial gap junction dye diffusion coefficients has not been reported, nor has the influence of genotype perturbation on in situ or ex vivo corneal epithelial gap junction function been reported.
The biological structure of the corneal stroma has been studied widely.
29 In the corneal stroma, keratocytes reside between the collagen lamellae, and appear to decrease in density gradually from the anterior to posterior cornea in humans and rabbits.
30,31 Keratocytes connect with neighboring keratocytes via gap junctions to form a cellular network.
32 The shape and extent of the keratocyte network correlate with the pattern of collagen lamellae. Recent data demonstrated that keratocytes form a single contiguous 3-D network, rather than a series of independent parallel networks.
33,34 Ex vivo gap junction communication between stromal keratocytes was observed and evaluated directly by our group using microelectrode dye injection in rabbit and human corneas.
35 However, this model was restricted to examining only the posterior-most keratocytes directly under the endothelium, and had the problem of being significantly invasive to the cell being injected, which is the case in all microelectrode injection techniques.
Since gap junctions were discovered in the myocardium and in neurons,
36,37 numerous methods have been developed to explore gap junction channels.
38 In the cornea, patch-clamp techniques have been applied to study ion and dye movement across endothelial and epithelial gap junctions of several species.
39–42 In addition, corneal gap junctions have been analyzed by measuring dye transfer using techniques, such as scrape loading.
43 In cells from other tissues, gap junctions have been examined using electroporation,
44 preloading assays, local activation of molecular fluorescent probes,
45,46 and fluorescence recovery after photo bleaching (FRAP).
47 In recent years, FRAP has been used widely to study molecule transport, diffusion, interactions, and immobilization in live cells. The FRAP experiments are based on photobleaching a fluorescent marker in a selected area, followed by measurement of dye return back to the original equilibrium state via gap junction transport in the photobleached cell.
The vitamin D endocrine system controlling calcium homeostasis was discovered in 1970.
49 Since that time, the role of vitamin D, working through the vitamin D nuclear receptor (VDR), has been investigated in a wide range of tissues. Physiologic and pathophysiologic processes, including autoimmune, infectious, and granuloma-forming diseases; cardiovascular disorders; and cancers, have been linked to the vitamin D/VDR system.
50,51 Vitamin D deficiency is a global health problem, and one billion people are estimated to be vitamin D-deficient or -insufficient.
52 At the same time, 10 million people worldwide are blind due to severe corneal disease. Epithelial gap junction communication is associated with healthy tissue. Vitamin D repletion in patients with low vitamin D could lead to increased gap junction communication and corneal epithelial health, including supporting the corneal epithelial phenotypes associated with epithelial regeneration.
Our previous studies determined that vitamin D can be produced in the cornea and can enhance corneal epithelial barrier function.
53,54 Moreover, our previous work has demonstrated that elevated epithelial calcium concentrations stimulate gap junction connectivity in corneal epithelial cells.
18 More recent work from our lab demonstrates that VDR knockout results in delayed epithelial wound healing and disruption of the epithelial tight junction network, and that supplementing VDR knockout mice with a diet rich in calcium reverses these problems (Watsky MA, et al.
IOVS 2013;54:ARVO E-Abstract 2583). Previous work also has shown that VDR knockout mice are calcium-deficient.
47,49 This leads us to hypothesize that, at least in part, calcium deficiency is involved in the observed VDR knockout corneal epithelial issues. We hypothesize that this same VDR-related calcium deficiency may result in a reduction of gap junction connectivity in VDR knockout mice, and that vitamin D, thus, is important for maintaining the normal connectivity of the corneal epithelium.
In this study, we described the use of FRAP to measure ex vivo gap junction diffusion rates noninvasively in the epithelium and keratocytes of intact mouse corneas. Furthermore, we investigated gap junction activity in the corneal epithelium of vitamin D receptor knockout mice.