Two rabbits were injected in the right eye with 300 μg of SU9518 at the time of gas vitrectomy with C3F8, following the protocol described above. After 35 days, the rabbits were euthanized and the right eyes enucleated. Whole rabbit eyes were fixed by removing the lens and immersion in 2.5% (vol/vol) glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M sodium cacodylate buffer pH 7.2 at 4°C for 2 days. The eyes were washed overnight in the same buffer and postfixed in 1% (vol/vol) osmium tetroxide for 2 hours. Following postfixation, the eyes were washed in the same buffer, cut in half down the midline from front to back, and washed again, dehydrated through a graded series of ethanol, and embedded in epoxy resin and polymerized. Following polymerization, 2-mm sections were cut from the eye halves approximately three-fourths of the way down from the midline of the eye, mounted onto blocks, and trimmed. Semithin (1-μm) sections were obtained from the mounted specimens and the sections were contrasted with Toluidine Blue O, coverslip mounted, and imaged with a Zeiss upright microscope (Carl Zeiss Standard Upright Metallurgical Microscope, Trinocular with a 1.3 Flip Top Abbe Condenser and a Mechanical Stage; Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, Munich, Germany). Images were recorded with a PixeLINK CCD camera system (model PL-B681, 1.3 Megapixel CMOS Microscope Camera, running PixeLINK μScope Standard Microscopy Software; PixeLINK, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada).