Amblyopic suppression may involve the active inhibition of the amblyopic eye by the nonamblyopic eye during conditions in which both eyes are open. It is thought by some
1,2 to be the primary problem from which amblyopia is the secondary consequence and has formed the basis of a new treatment of amblyopia.
2–5 In some cases, it is thought to be the consequence of an imbalance in the reciprocal contralateral inhibitory interactions that occur prior to binocular summation
6 ; in other cases, the imbalance may simply relate to the degree of signal attenuation by the amblyopic eye.
A current issue that is yet to be resolved is whether suppression in amblyopes involves the same mechanism as dichoptic inhibition in normal.
8–10 One important dimension along which one can compare these two phenomena is their time course. Previous studies in this area have used a wide range of presentation times,
6,7,11 with the underlying assumption that the time course of suppression and dichoptic inhibition are comparable. Only two studies
12,13 have specifically investigated the time course of suppression in amblyopes and dichoptic inhibition in normals. These studies both used a binocular rivalry paradigm rather than the more conventional masking paradigm and found conflicting results. One study
13 argues for a similar time course for the two phenomena, while the other
12 argues that they are different.
We set out to provide a definitive answer to this question by using a standard dichoptic masking approach in normal and amblyopic observers for the discrimination of a low contrast letter target in one eye while viewing a high contrast noise mask in the other eye. Specifically, we ask three questions: first, what is the time course of dichoptic masking in normals and amblyopes? Second, is suppression low-pass or band-pass in its spatial dependence? And third, in the above two regards, is suppression in amblyopes different from dichoptic masking in normals? To answer these questions, we varied the duration of the target letter by changing the standard deviation of the Gaussian temporal envelope (see
Fig. 1) and assessed contrast thresholds for letter identification in three conditions: when the nonamblyopic eye saw full-field two-dimensional (2D) noise—that is, either 1/f noise or band-pass noise; when the nonamblyopic eye saw only a mean-luminance background (i.e., a DC component, which may produce masking
14 ) and when the nonamblyopic eye was patched. The 2D noise masks contain signals across a wide range of spatial frequencies (1/f noise) or a narrow range of spatial frequencies (band-pass noise), while the mean-luminance mask contains only a DC signal (i.e., a spatial frequency of 0 cyc/deg). If suppression is primarily caused by low spatial frequency mechanisms, we expect to see threshold elevation from both the mean luminance and noise masks. Alternatively, suppression might be band-pass (having zero response at 0 cyc/deg), and thresholds will not be affected by mean luminance. In addition, using various durations of the target letter enables us to assess the temporal properties of dichoptic masking—that is, the dependence of the masking effect on the duration of the target presentation. A positive correlation between the masking effect and the duration indicates a low-pass temporal property, since prolonged presentation (i.e., large standard deviation of the Gaussian temporal envelope) corresponds to low temporal frequencies, whereas a negative correlation would suggest a high-pass temporal character. Furthermore, the comparison between normals and amblyopes enables us to assess whether suppression from the nonamblyopic eye to the amblyopic eye can be accounted for by normal dichoptic masking. The spatial frequency range we investigated here was limited to low-mid frequencies, as have a number of previous studies.
We found that threshold elevation relative to the patched condition (i.e., the masking effect) occurred in both normals and amblyopes when the nontarget eye saw either 1/f or band-pass noise, but not just mean luminance; longer presentation of the target produced greater threshold elevation. These results indicate similar low-pass temporal dependence and band-pass spatial dependence of suppression in amblyopes and dichoptic masking in normals.