Imaging was performed bilaterally in 11 subjects, and unilaterally in four more subjects due to limitations on subject availability or endurance. A total of 101 MRI image sets were obtained for 26 orbits of 15 subjects, all in slightly varying gaze positions. Imaging included central gaze (taken as 0°) and at least one position of abduction and one position of adduction, while many orbits included multiple additional positions of abduction and adduction. Adduction ranged in magnitude from 4.8° to 32.9°, while abduction ranged from 7.1° to 27.2°.
All area and volume measures were highly statistically significantly correlated with duction angle (
P < 0.0001 for all values), but not all correlations were equally strong. The coefficients of determinations
R 2, which represent the fraction of variance accountable by duction angle, are summarized in the
Table. The best single plane correlation with duction angle was the maximum difference in cross-sectional areas between any image planes at the same anatomic location in the orbit, for which
R 2 = 0.92 for the MR and 0.91 for the LR. This calculation, however, required prior knowledge of whether the EOM was contracting or relaxing in the measured field of gaze. If the EOM was contracting (e.g., the MR during adduction), the greatest positive difference in cross-sectional areas between corresponding image planes from central to eccentric gaze was used to define the measure, while if the EOM was relaxing (e.g., the MR during abduction), the greatest negative difference was selected. This measure, which requires a priori knowledge, would not be useful in detecting abnormal or unexpected contractility. Instead, the best single plane measure to detect contraction or relaxation was the percent change in maximum cross-sectional area, for which
R 2 = 0.79 for MR and 0.78 for LR (
Fig. 2). The anteroposterior movement of the image plane of maximum cross-sectional area was the single-plane measure that had the poorest correlation with degrees of duction,
R 2 = 0.44 for MR and
R 2 = 0.52 for LR.
While it is recognized that total EOM volume is conserved regardless of gaze angle, partial volume measures in midorbit can reflect shifts in EOM volume distribution that would also diminish the potential effect of fluctuations in measured EOM cross-sections due to nerve and vascular entries and other sources of anatomical “noise” in single image planes. Partial volume measures all had robust correlations with duction angle. There was a monotonic increase in the coefficient of determination when the number of image planes used to calculate the posterior partial volume was increased from two to three to four (
Table). The strongest correlation was for the change in partial volume for the four image planes immediately posterior to the plane containing the maximum EOM cross-section in central gaze. This measure was not obtained in all subjects; however, because this measurement occasionally required very posterior image planes that were not included in the imaging range in every subject. Instead, posterior orbital partial volumes were available in all subjects and provided almost as strong a correlation, especially when combined with the measured change in posterior orbital partial volume of the antagonist EOM (
Fig. 3). The combined agonist/antagonist posterior partial volumes provided the highest coefficient of determination of any functional measure,
R 2 = 0.95 for the MR and LR combined.
The foregoing data were obtained in 26 orbits in which MRI were obtained in at least three gaze directions to evaluate group effects. This dataset reflected variation among individual subjects, as well as effects of duction angle. For the 13 orbits with imaging sets available in four, five, or six different positions of horizontal gaze, there were sufficient measurements that individual linear regressions could be performed within subjects, so that each regression reflected duction angle only. In eight orbits, an MRI was obtained in central gaze and at least two adducted and two abducted positions. Not surprisingly, since this individual subject regression approach avoids confounding by interindividual anatomical variability, correlations within subjects were much stronger than for the data pooled for multiple individuals. The intrasubject coefficient of determination
R 2 for combined agonist/antagonist changes in posterior partial volume exceeded 0.97 for all seven subjects (range 0.97–0.99,
Fig. 4). Similar trends held for most of the other single plane and partial volume measurements, with the exception of movement of the plane of maximum cross-sectional area. In five subjects at least one MR, and in six subjects at least one LR, exhibited an identical 2- or 4-mm change in plane of max cross-section regardless of duction. This resulted in a poor correlation of location of plane of maximum cross-section with duction angle, and a large spread of values for the correlation determination,
R 2 = 0.15 to 0.97.