We prospectively studied 20 children with Crouzon syndrome after institutional review board approval was granted. The research adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. A pediatrician and plastic surgeon specializing in craniofacial disorders established the diagnosis in all patients. Crouzon syndrome was suspected on the basis of the variable presence of a misshapen skull, exorbitism, midface hypoplasia, and history of similarly affected relatives with autosomal dominant inheritance. In all cases, the craniofacial diagnosis was confirmed by CT documentation of premature closure of the coronal, sagittal, and lambdoidal sutures.
All of the patients had comprehensive eye examinations with emphasis on assessment of binocular eye alignment in central gaze and at eccentricities of 30° up, down, right, and left. Binocular alignment was quantified using the prism cover test or the Krimsky test depending upon patient cooperation. Stereopsis was measured in cooperative patients using the Titmus test. The eye examination was performed prior to craniofacial surgery or after craniofacial surgery. At surgery, an osteotomy is made 10 mm behind the superior orbital rim and the forehead is advanced anteriorly (fronto-orbital advancement) or the inferior orbital rim and anterior portion of the maxilla are advanced (midface advancement). Given that the rectus muscle pulleys are located at the posterior aspect of the globe (22–30 mm posterior to the orbital rim), we assume prior craniofacial surgery does not alter their location or anatomic function. One patient with hydrocephalus and comitant exotropia was excluded.
To model static eye alignment in central and eccentric gazes we used an ocular simulator software (Eidactics).
18,19 This program takes into account the passive and active forces exerted by each of the extraocular muscles along with the biomechanical properties of the ocular motor plant (orbit, muscle, connective tissues, and muscle pulleys). Eye position in central gaze and at 30° eccentricities in 5° steps is depicted on a Hess chart in Fick coordinates. The relationship between extorsion of the rectus muscle pulleys and either the V-pattern exotropia or “elevation in adduction” was then investigated in the ocular simulator software (Eidactics). This analysis was uniformly performed with the right eye fixing. The corresponding clinical measurements of horizontal eye alignment were primarily limited to central gaze and at eccentricities of 30° up and down. Because quantitation of the hypertropia in lateral gazes is problematic in this population, the corresponding clinical scoring of overelevation in adduction was limited to its presence or absence.
During the course of standard clinical care, all patients had a high-resolution CT of the head including the orbits using a 2-dimensional scanner (model CBTB-016A; Toshiba Corp., Tokyo, Japan, or Discovery STE; GE Medical Systems, Pewaukee, WI). The CT dose index (CTDI) was 22.73 or 34.91 for the initial study in children aged younger or older than 2 years, respectively. All subsequent studies were performed at a CTDI of one quarter to one-half of the initial dosage. Of note, this amount of radiation exposure is well below the threshold recommended by the American College of Radiology CTDI of 75 mGy. Patients' heads were stabilized using a foam cushion. Transaxial images of the head and maxillofacial skull were helically acquired using 2:1 pitch. Continuous axial images, 0.625 to 1.25 mm thick, were obtained using a 512 × 512 matrix covering a 24- by 24-cm square, giving a pixel resolution of 469 μm. CT images were exported in DICOM format to a Macintosh workstation, where they were analyzed quantitatively using imaging software (Osirix version 2.4; UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, provided in the public domain by
20 We selectively analyzed the CT images that were performed near the time of assessment of the corresponding eye alignment shown in the
CT image contrast was set to a bone window and subjectively increased or decreased to maximally distinguish the extraocular muscles from adjacent structures. The CT image volume was rotated using the 2-dimensional multiplanar reconstruction mode in the imaging software (UCLA) to coincide with the ocular simulator software (Eidactics) coordinates. The horizontal plane (defined by lateral-medial and anterior-posterior directions) was aligned with the inferior orbital rim and the external auditory canal, and the mid-points of the optic canals. The vertical plane (superior-inferior directions) was defined as orthogonal to this horizontal plane. To correct for rotation in the horizontal plane, we made sure that each optic canal was aligned with the horizontal axis on the axial CT image. Rotation of the horizontal plane was further confirmed in all patients by moving the CT image volume in the anterior direction and ensuring the posterior aspect of the globe was symmetric between the right and left side.
The relative horizontal position of the superior and inferior (SR/IR) and medial and lateral (MR/LR) rectus muscle pulleys were determined from coronal images normalized in the craniotopic coordinate system described previously. Measurements of the rectus muscle pulleys were taken within ±1.0 mm of the optic nerve/globe junction along the anterior-posterior axis of the image sections. Of note, this location is 6 mm behind the expected location of the rectus muscle pulleys which are normally 6 mm posterior to the center of the globe (Eidactics). Demer and collaborators
17,21–23 have shown that the pulley inflection is on average 6 mm posterior to the globe center in normal-sized eyes (total axial length = 24.5 mm) with normal orbital dimensions. We selected this location because in a subset of patients, this is where the globe was aligned with the deflection along the axial paths of the horizontal rectus muscles corresponding to the LR and MR pulleys (
Fig. 1). The estimated pulley location was 12 mm ± 2 mm posterior to the center of the globe and consistent with the shallow orbit associated with Crouzon syndrome.
The position of each rectus muscle was measured using the technique described by Clark et al.
24 The coronal CT image at the estimated pulley location was exported to Java-based imaging software (ImageJ; National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, provided in the public domain by
http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/). Each rectus muscle, for each eye, was outlined in Java-based imaging software (NIH) and the central location of each rectus muscle was defined by the “area centroid” function. The ocular simulator software (Eidactics) defines the origin as the center of the globe when the eye muscles exert no force. The superior rectus pulley is opposite (180
°) the inferior rectus pulley in the vertical plane and both are equidistant from the origin at the center of the globe. Likewise, the lateral rectus pulley is opposite (180
°) from the medial rectus pulley in the horizontal plane and both are equidistant from the origin at the center of the globe. Since we cannot control the direction of gaze in young children undergoing a CT scan, we defined the origin as the intersection of all four recti muscles to fit the assumptions in the ocular simulator software (Eidactics). We then measured the relative horizontal and vertical offsets of the muscle center from their 180
° relationships using the equations
H is the distance from our origin to the nearest horizontal rectus muscle (lateral or medial),
V is the distance from the origin to the nearest vertical rectus muscle (superior or inferior), and
α is the angle of the relevant rectus muscle from the horizontal (or vertical) plane. These displacements were then used to adjust the corresponding rectus muscle pulley in the ocular simulator software (Eidactics). All coordinates were adjusted for sign, which the ocular simulator software (Eidactics) defines positive directions from the origin as abduction, elevation, and extorsion. We then run the simulation and record the predicted eye alignment versus the observed clinical measurements.