Understanding the genetic basis of evolutionary adaptations in vision will help understanding vision and its diseases, as well as our understanding of selective processes.
1 One approach to look for evidence of recent selection in humans is observation of the distortion in polymorphism patterns across the genome among different human populations. Even the patterns at neutral sites can reveal evidence of selection caused by selective pressure applied to the alleles at genetically linked sites. Thus, observation of selection is possible within haplotype blocks, regions of the genome where relatively little historic recombination has occurred.
2 These regions are the hallmarks of the linkage disequilibrium, which has persisted throughout the lineage of anatomically modern humans, most likely arising less than 150 to 200 thousand years ago (ka).
3 In contrast,
Homo sapiens only recently (within the last 100 ka, for the most likely out of Africa models) has distributed itself from its origin over the globe.
4 During this migration, selective pressure was present constantly and has been shown to persist to the last century.
5,6 The new habitats that
H. sapiens encountered were substantially different from the African habitat, which probably consisted of savannah-like environments.
7,8 Recent evolutionary adaptations that are advantageous in these new habitats have been detected in non–sub-Saharan African populations, including in the lactose tolerance gene
9 salt regulation genes at the
CYP3A cluster,
10 disease resistance genes,
G6PD and
11,12 and pigmentation genes
SLC24A5 and
Although some investigators have hypothesized that selective pressure has resulted in structural differences in visual organs,
15 to our knowledge relatively little work has been done to identify the specific set of vision-related genes that may be under selective pressure. The basic structure of the single-lens camera eye, its ciliary photoreceptor cells, and the process of phototransduction have been highly conserved for at least 400 million years (Ma), with only modest structural differences between gnathostome species.
16 Because of the visual system's role in overall fitness, many of the involved genes also have been highly conserved.
16,17 However, the Asian and European habitats differed from the African in the lower mean illuminance levels, diurnal and seasonal illuminance cycles, cover provided in forested areas, changes in illuminance associated with the use of covered shelters, and increased variance in ground cover reflectivity.
7,8,18–20 These new environments could have exerted selective pressure on the functional systems in the human eye.
Specifically, we focus on evidence of selection within the genes involved in phototransduction. Visual phototransduction is the biologic process by which light is converted into an electric signal in the photoreceptor cells in the retina of the eye. It involves, at a minimum, absorption of a photon by an opsin holoprotein-associated chromophore, activation of a GTP binding protein that in turn activates phosphodiesterase, conversion of cGMP to GMP, and closing of the constitutively open cGMP gated channels.
21 The known set of interacting proteins responsible for phototransduction are encoded by the following genes:
CNGB3, and
Figure 1 for an illustration of the interactions of phototransduction genes in rod photoreceptors.
Because comprehensive functional data at the molecular and organismal scales on these genes currently are unavailable, we used the classic genetic determination of selection, that is, patterns of allelic variation that are not consistent with a neutral model of segregation. Specifically, we leveraged the data from the large-scale genotyping endeavors of the International HapMap Project and the 1000 Genomes project to identify patterns of allelic variation among populations.
Patterns of allelic variation can differ from the expectations of neutrality in multiple ways. Two important characteristics of allelic variation in the presence of selection are long haplotypes and large variance in allele frequencies among populations.
24–26 Long haplotypes arise from selected variants quickly reaching high frequency before recombination breaks the associations with nearby polymorphisms.
25 The variance in allele frequencies among populations is a result of the differential selection occurring in these populations—a variant and its linked polymorphisms rise in frequency in one population relative to others because of greater selective pressure in that population relative to the others.
26 Here, we evaluated polymorphisms using two metrics that attempt to measure each of these aspects of allelic variation from neutrality. Extended haplotype homozygosity per site (EHHS) and its related metrics are used to quantify the length of haplotypes surrounding each polymorphism and compare these lengths across populations to find sites where differential selection is occurring. Fixation index (F
st) is used to quantify the level of differential selection by comparing directly the observed level of variance in allele frequency across the populations to the expected level.
The hypotheses of this pilot study are that Asians and Europeans underwent selective pressure to adapt to changing visual environments, and that the selective pressure on the phototransduction system can be demonstrated using metrics of allelic variation at the gene-level.