Porcine eyes are a good model for human eyes
28,29 as a model for studying glaucoma,
15,28,30,31 aqueous humor outflow physiology,
31–33 and chronic IOP elevation,
28,29 and similar to human, outflow facility in both is reduced in response to TGF-β
32 Porcine TM cells are already widely used by glaucoma researchers as a surrogate for human TM cells. In this study we employed an established method of isolating AAP cells published by our group previously.
34 The cells we isolated are AAP cells for the following reasons. First, the selected AAP cells displayed fusiform morphology as individual cells and take on a cobble stone morphology at confluence as reported previously.
22 Second, the selected AAP cells exhibited contact inhibition upon reaching confluence, consistent with the behavior reported for human SC cells (
Fig. 2) and other endothelia. Third, cells expressed the same surface markers as those seen in cultured human SC cells and in AAP of intact porcine tissue, including the typical endothelial markers VE-cadherin, vWF, and ICAM II, but were negative for α-smooth muscle actin as reported previously.
22 Fourth, hydraulic conductivity of selected cells is significantly different when perfused from basal-to-apical and apical-to-basal directions, which is characteristic of human SC cells. Also the values reported are similar to human SC cells,
26 which are 1.97 ± 0.13 (
n = 6) and 0.39 ± 0.01 (
n = 6) μL/mm Hg/min/cm
2 when perfused from apical to basal and basal to apical direction at 4 mm Hg, respectively.