We showed that precise gene correction, with accompanying phenotypic correction, can be achieved at a high frequency directly in inbred mice. Further, our data strongly suggested that this occurs with limited, low levels of illegitimate recombination or off target events. That this was successful in an inbred mouse strain is of particular importance, as it demonstrates that this powerful approach can be used to dissect gene interactions in defined genetic contexts.
13,14 Also crucially, these data open avenues for the sequential, reiterative genetic modification of complex transgenic inbred strains, building upon previous historical data; speeding model development, characterization, and their more rapid availability to the scientific community.
Evidence of mosaicism in founder animals, post nuclease modification, has been reported previously; however, to our knowledge founder mosaicism in relation to HDR has not. Knowledge that these events identified in tail DNA may not match the whole organism and its gametes/germline requires the implementation of breeding strategies with characterization of the offspring. This phenomenon currently precludes the direct phenotyping of founder animals with the assurance that all somatic tissues are modified similarly. Therefore, we strongly recommend backcrossing mice derived using these technologies. This allows for the absolute confirmation of the mutation of interest and also increases the probability that possible illegitimate recombination or other off-target events will segregate out, diminishing their potentially confounding impact. Founder mosaicism probably is due to delayed action of the introduced TALEN mRNAs, with NHEJ and HDR events occurring cell independently at two-cell, four-cell or even later stages of development. A possible solution to this technical challenge is to sidestep translation of the introduced nucleases mRNAs by directly microinjecting them as proteins together with donor DNAs.
The correction of the
Crb1rd8 mutation in C57BL/6N inbred mice, a strain used to generate many animal models, is a proof-of-concept of this powerful approach. The corrected strain can be used to correct and maintain models being developed by the IKMC, alleviating or controlling the effects of the C57BL/6N
Crb1rd8 gene defect, which they all carry. For example, if an enhanced dysplastic retinal phenotype is observed in a knockout strain obtained from the current IKMC and IMPC pipeline, the strain may be intercrossed with the corrected
Crb1 strain to assess whether the deleted gene is epistatic to
Crb1. This approach is preferred to intercrossing with C57BL/6J, which has a wild-type
Crb1 allele, but which possesses many other gene variations compared to C57BL/6N
4 that may modify the knockout phenotype in an unpredictable fashion. Although it could be argued that
Crb1rd8 is relevant only to those interested in modifiers of the retinal phenotype, the mutation also may have significant effects in the developing and adult brain.
12 Further,
Crb1 normally is expressed in the telencephalic ventricle, rostral migratory stream, and olfactory bulbs,
12 and its absence could have profound effects on how smell is perceived and used in mice. The corrected strain provides a simple and elegant system to recapitulate the wild-type
Crb1 allele in the C57BL/6NJ background to elucidate the role of
Crb1 throughout the mouse.
The TALEN-mediated HDR strategy developed in this study may be applied to other inbred strains, allowing correction of the Crb1rd8 mutation while maintaining the strain background. This approach might be useful for modifying complex genetic backgrounds initially derived by crossing C57BL/6N with additional strains, where intercrossing as described above would introduce unnecessary complication and time. The strategy used here illustrates how gene correction can be performed, in principle, for other genes of interest, providing more complete and conclusive results than standard transgenics or embryonic stem cell–based approaches. However, given that every inbred strain carries its own set of mutations, which cumulatively result in the characteristics of that strain, it is reasonable to ask whether correction of mutations in any given strain is a sensible pursuit. Arguably, in this case, in which the Crb1rd8 allele has profound phenotypic effects in the eye that can influence the interpretation of a large body of research, correction of Crb1rd8 in C57BL6/N is desirable.
Our work contributes to a growing number of reports that nuclease-mediated HDR with TALEN or particularly CRISPR/Cas9 technologies can yield targeted gene changes in mice with high efficiency.
17,18,21,22 These methods are poised to revolutionize our ability to generate mouse models carrying subtle genetic changes as informed by human genome-wide association studies, multiple mutations to study gene interaction in disease, or markers to interrogate biological pathways. While we have demonstrated that the nuclease-mediated HDR process works well in inbred mice, there still is considerable room for improvement. Increasing the frequency of HDR and, very importantly, eliminating mosaicism and partial off-target modifications should be key areas of future research focus to enhance the use of nuclease-mediated approaches in developing mouse models.