With regard to study populations, our study only included patients with early glaucoma because it is oftentimes hard to distinguish early stages of the disease and normal state. This may be a limitation of this study. Indeed, using a group of patients at all stages of disease severity in the development of the underlying structure would tend to avoid restricting the range in the test measures and therefore attenuating correlations among variables that can result in falsely low estimates of factor loadings.
34 In contrast to our study, most previous studies
9–12,23–26,30,31 included patients with all spectra of glaucoma severity, but did not provide the diagnostic performance for early glaucoma. Because the performance of glaucoma diagnostic devices is often dependent on disease severity, the glaucoma performances reported in those studies would have been lower if the analysis was restricted to early glaucoma. Our study also differs from two of the earlier studies
9,35 in that EFA rather than PCA was performed prior to logistic regression. Principal component analysis is only a data reduction method and it is computed without regard to any underlying structure influenced by latent variables. In addition, in PCA, components are calculated using all of the variance of the manifest variables, so that the whole variance appears in the solution. Principal component analysis does not discriminate between shared and unique variance.
36 On the contrary, EFA reveals latent variables that possibly cause the manifest variables to covary. During factor extraction the shared variance of a variable is partitioned from its unique variance and error variance to reveal the underlying factor structure; only shared variance appears in the solution. If the factors are uncorrelated and communalities are moderate, it tends to overestimate values of variance accounted for by the components. Since EFA only considers shared variance, it should yield similar results while also avoiding the inflation of estimates of variance accounted for.
37,38 The diagnostic method used in this study, namely sequentially combining EFA and logistic regression modeling, benefited from several advantages. First, the use of EFA reorganizes a large amount of data into a more parsimonious set of component scores. Because each EFA component groups together correlated test measures, the component scores more directly gauge a variable's performance with regard to glaucoma status. Second, because the component structure was created from the data of both glaucoma and control subjects, the component structure reflects the structural differences between the two groups as well as the differences among subjects within each group. Third, the discriminant function weights the components in terms of their contributions to discriminating patients with early glaucoma from controls and then classifies each individual with high accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. Fourth, our method went beyond simple calculation of AUC, sensitivity and specificity by providing AIC, and most importantly the predicted probability of early glaucoma for an individual along with a 95% prediction interval, which might prove extremely useful and may influence the physician's decision to initiate treatment. Despite only slight increase in AUC, the AIC and PIL of the multivariable model were significantly lower than those of the three best single parameters (
Table 5), indicating that our multivariable predictive model performed better and was more accurate than univariable models both at detecting the disease and differentiating between affected and unaffected individuals. An additional difference to consider is that most prior studies did not validate their discriminant functions in separate set of subjects. Validation is important because it ensures that the proposed model is robust to the subjects included in the analysis and will be useful for analyzing future datasets. Fifth, both the modeling and validation sets were drawn from the same sample selected with same inclusion and exclusion criteria. It is unclear whether this affected the performance of the model. Not having performed visual field in healthy subjects may be another methodological limitation of this study. Indeed, relying on IOP measurement and the ophthalmoscopic appearance of the optic disc as assessed by fellowship-trained glaucoma subspecialists may not have been sufficient to confidently exclude all subjects with glaucoma among normals. This is particularly true in subjects with early stages of glaucoma where functional deficits may precede detectable structural changes. Whether some glaucoma patients were missed among healthy subjects and whether this may have affected our results in a significant manner is unknown. On the other hand, the diagnostic performance of our model may have been inflated to some extent as a result of studying two clinically well-defined populations, namely nonglaucomatous and glaucomatous subjects. Therefore, it will be interesting to evaluate the diagnostic performance of this model in subjects suspected of having glaucoma. Doing so will both comply with the general principle that a diagnostic test is useful if it can decrease or eliminate the uncertainty with respect to the diagnosis (i.e., in glaucoma suspects) or to the disease stage and determine the “true” diagnostic performance of this model.