Supported by grants from Optos plc. Dunfermline (Scotland, United Kingdom), the Icelandic Center for Research (Rannis, Iceland), the Icelandic Prevention of Blindness Fund (Reykjavik, Iceland), Landspítali-University Hospital Research Fund (Reykjavik, Iceland), University of Iceland Research Fund (Reykjavik, Iceland), and Helga Jónsdóttir and Sigurliði Kristjánsson Memorial Fund (Reykjavik, Iceland).
Disclosure: J.V. Kristjansdottir, Optos (F); S.H. Hardarson, Optos (F), Oxymap (F, I, C, R), P; G.H. Halldorsson, Oxymap (I, E), P; R.A. Karlsson, Oxymap (I, E), P; T.S. Eliasdottir, None; E. Stefánsson, Oxymap (I, S), P