Retinal ganglion cell loss is a key pathological event that leads to blindness in patients with optic nerve involvement. As apoptosis is known as the major pathway of RGC degeneration,
34–36 imaging of apoptotic or dying RGCs has been proposed to be a new approach to diagnose patients with optic neuropathy, especially glaucoma.
37 The addition of new approaches to current techniques may help diagnose glaucoma much earlier. Additionally, this may provide relevant information to help clinicians treat the disease.
The development of potentially new optic nerve imaging approaches relies on the advancement of molecular imaging probes and devices.
38 This is the first validation of the intraocular use of Zn-DPA conjugated with a fluorescent reporter (Zn-DPA 480) for apoptosis detection in a rat model of RGC degeneration.
Assays for apoptosis are used often in cell biology research and in the drug discovery process in basic and clinical ophthalmology.
39 In addition to providing insights into biological and disease processes, molecular imaging of apoptosis has the potential to evaluate and monitor in vivo disease states. Recent studies reported that intraocular application of Annexin V and TcapQ can be used to track RGC apoptosis in animal models of RGC degeneration.
10,16 The binding of Annexin V to the exposed PS on the apoptotic cell membrane surface and the cleavage of TcapQ by effector caspases allow tracking of apoptotic cells with fluorescent dyes for in vivo imaging. These approaches show some promising findings from preclinical studies and are currently undergoing Phase I clinical trials. The approach of Zn-DPA may offer additional advantages. First, Zn-DPA-PS binding does not require Ca
2+, so that other imaging processes can be monitored simultaneously
11–13 and avoids false-positives by unwanted activation of scramblases by Ca
2+, which move phospholipid nonspecifically.
40 For example, in human epidermoid carcinoma xenografts, the breakdown of the vasculature in response to the antiangiogenic treatment strongly impairs the delivery of Annexin V to the tumor site.
41 In the same animal model, it has been demonstrated that Zn-DPA 794, in contrast to Annexin V, showed significant therapeutic effect.
28 The accumulation of Zn-DPA 794 was attributed to the smaller size of Zn-DPA 794 (MW = 1840 Da), which is 20 times smaller than Annexin V (MW = 36 kDa). Therefore, Zn-DPA not only offers a smaller molecular size but also faster kinetics and shorter incubation times. These properties suggest that Zn-DPA may be a more attractive option for in vivo imaging of apoptosis. Before achieving this goal, we believe that the present experiment characterizing the labeling of RGC apoptosis by the intraocular use of this new fluorescence probe is essential.
Since the use of Zn-DPA was first reported, a series of fluorescently labeled versions has been prepared and used for disease detection and monitoring with in vivo animal models for imaging of neurodegenerative diseases, infection, and cancers. The eye is particularly well suited for molecular imaging because of the availability of direct access and clarity of the optical media. The vitreous is an excellent route for drug administration, because the drug is directly in contact with the retinal neurons of interest and can, therefore, bypass the blood brain and retinal barrier. However, there may be a concern about in vivo imaging when excessive intravitreal concentration of fluorescent probe obstructs the view of retina. The present study demonstrates the successful tracking of RGC apoptosis with Zn-DPA 480 and warrants further investigation for human application of glaucoma and other optic nerve diseases.
Intravitreal injection of NMDA is a common method to induce RGC loss for studying molecular mechanisms and exploring protective treatments against neurodegenerative diseases such as glaucoma.
34 Similar to Annexin V, Zn-DPA 480 may also label the exposed PS in the inner leaflet of broken cells during necrosis and we suspect that Zn-DPA 480 may stain necrotic RGCs as well. Propidium iodide (PI) may be helpful in distinguishing necrotic RGCs from apoptosis. However, this assay is largely used in flow cytometry and only a few laboratories could successfully detect necrotic retinal neurons in vivo by intraocular injection of PI dye.
42–44 The present study used the TUNEL technique, which has been widely used to visualize apoptotic cells and showed a high correlation of Zn-DPA 480 with TUNEL at 4 and 24 hours (89.9% and 95.1%, respectively). Based on our earlier work with histology, biochemistry, and caspase inhibitor studies to confirm apoptosis in this rat model,
29 we believe our statement of Zn-DPA 480 labeling of apoptotic cells in this rat model is valid.
Although apoptotic cell death predominantly occurs in RGCs in this animal model, our findings demonstrate that Zn-DPA 480 labeling is not specific to a single cell type, such as RGCs. Approximately 57.8% of TUNEL-positive cells were FG positive and 53.1% were III β-tubulin positive at 24 hours after NMDA injection, indicating that a proportion of dying cells were non-RGCs, likely displaced amacrine cells.
45 To understand the involvement of amacrine cell death in glaucoma and other optic neuropathies, further investigation should address whether amacrine cell death happens after RGC death and how RGC death might contribute to amacrine cell death. Intravitreal injection of Zn-DPA 480 is useful for detecting apoptosis in the RGC layer in this animal rather than the inner and outer nuclear layers of the retina, apparently due to limited permeability (
Fig. 6A). Therefore, Zn-DPA is considered as an apoptotic marker that is not limited to a specific cell type.
Apoptosis involves a series of morphological and biochemical events within a time frame. Although Zn-DPA 480 labeling colocalizes with FG-positive cells, the intensities of Zn-DPA 480–positive labeling may vary with different morphological features (
Fig. 8). We found that Zn-DPA 480 is unable to detect some RGC layer cells with condensed nuclei (counterstained by DAPI;
Fig. 6B). Consistent with literature showing the recognition of PS in the early phase of apoptosis,
4,5 our quantitative data show that Zn-DPA 480 labels dying RGCs as soon as 1 to 2 hours after exposed to damage. This finding strongly supports the idea that Zn-DPA 480 detects cells in the early stages of apoptosis and is specific to certain morphological changes or time frame.
The present study characterizes the intraocular use of Zn-DPA 480, and both spatial and temporal profiles of Zn-DPA 480 labeling in the rat retina after NMDA-induced excitotoxicity. Intravitreal injection of Zn-DPA 480 can label apoptotic RGCs as early as 1 hour after NMDA injection and ex vivo tracking of RGC apoptosis with Zn-DPA 480 precedes the labeling of DNA fragmentation with the TUNEL technique of retinal sections (4 hours after NMDA injection). Consistently, the exposure of PS to the cell membrane occurs in the early and intermediate stages of apoptosis in NMDA-induced RGC degeneration. Therefore, our findings demonstrate that intravitreal administration of Zn-DPA 480 can be used to track apoptotic cells.