To classify VF progression patterns in OAG, a hierarchical cluster analysis was performed using the proc cluster procedure from SAS software (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC, USA) (see
Supplementary Appendix S1 for SAS code). Specifically, the agglomerative technique was performed to group OAG eyes into homogeneous subgroups, in which it begins by considering each eye to be cluster by itself, and continues until similar clusters merge together. Of all 11 methods (AVERAGE, CENTROID, COMPLETE, DENSITY, EML, FLEXIBLE, MCQUITTY, MEDIAN, SINGLE, TWOSTAGE, and WARD method), Ward's minimum variance method was used as clustering criterion, which has the advantage of minimizing the total within-cluster variance. All variables were standardized before clustering. To determine the optimal number (
k) of clusters, we used the pseudo
t 2 statistic; the pseudo
t 2 statistic provides an indication of the appropriate number of clusters through local troughs in its value. This is seen by a small value of the pseudo
t 2 statistic for a given cluster level followed by a larger pseudo
t 2 value for the next cluster fusion. After deciding the optimal number of clusters, the cluster progression characters were analyzed and compared according to the five primary VF variables and other selected demographic and ocular biometric parameters. Independent two-sample
t-test and χ
2 test were used to analyze differences between clusters. We used SAS software version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Inc.) for all statistical analyses and
P less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.