Earlier studies looking at spatially high resolution stimulus arrangements possess one or more of the following limitations: (1) test duration is too high to be applied within a clinical setting, (2) additional locations need to be manually added by a trained operator, (3) total area covered by the test is reduced to limit the number of presentations, or (4) the output of perimetric data obtained is not in a standard format, thus making it difficult to interpret the results for nonexperts. GOANNA was designed to overcome all four shortcomings.
The results have shown that on average over the whole field, bimodal GOANNA performs similarly to bimodal ZEST with a growth pattern (
Fig. 4). But if the field is separated into areas of uniform sensitivity (low
Max_d) and nonuniform sensitivity (high
Max_d), differences between the procedures emerge (bottom two rows of
Fig. 5). GOANNA spends more presentations at locations bordering scotomata. Sensitivities obtained in areas of the field surrounding scotomata are more precise and accurate with GOANNA. These results suggest that GOANNA would be more sensitive to spatial changes of a scotoma, but not subtle deepening of the center of a large defect. Therefore, we predict that GOANNA would be able to detect progression of a scotoma earlier than ZEST when progression involves spatial spread more so than defect deepening.
As illustrated in
Figure 8, GOANNA is able to identify scotomata and test more locations within those regions of visual deficit. The nature of the dynamic stopping criteria that is implemented in GOANNA allows for early identification and termination if a field is normal, but also allows for more presentations to be spent if there is a localized scotoma identified. The tradeoff is that GOANNA does not sample as densely in normal regions of VF compared with ZEST, and thus is neither as accurate nor precise as ZEST in these areas.
There may also be benefits in the spatial pattern of GOANNA's stimulus location choices. After sampling coarsely over the hill of vision, GOANNA first targets regions of localized loss, which are typically highly variable. On the contrary, the Humphrey growth pattern implemented in ZEST and SITA tests central locations first, and peripheral locations last.
35 Hence, areas of loss in the periphery do not receive presentations until well into the test. By testing these areas first, GOANNA may minimize fatigue effects
39 at these locations, and hence may reduce the variability caused by fatigue in these regions.
Naturally, there are still limitations on the spatial resolution of GOANNA. Here we have experimented with a grid pattern spaced at 3°, rather than the more conventional 6° grid. Thus, scotomata smaller than 3° can still remain undiscovered. There are two input parameters to GOANNA that control the likelihood of detecting small scotomata. The first is the set of possible locations, which can be made as large as one desires, but, with a limited number of presentations, in large sets many locations will never receive presentations. The second is the location of the seed points. If an isolated scotoma falls between seed points that have normal sensitivity, then they are unlikely to be detected unless the total number of locations is small. There is a tradeoff between the number of locations tested, and the location of seed points. Exploring this tradeoff is work in progress in our lab. Also, if GOANNA were to be applied clinically, it may be important to consider distinguishing for the clinician between those locations where threshold was estimated following direct participant response, and those which were estimated by interpolation.
It has recently been argued that the coarse sampling of most current VF patterns with size III targets, when combined with microsaccadic fixational eye movements, contributes significantly to perimetric test–retest variability in areas of VF loss.
1 The author formalizes the concept that the spatial pattern of measured VF defects will depend on the sampling grid, in part due to spatial aliasing, and illustrates the contribution of such undersampling to measured variability. If true VF defects are patchy and include high spatial frequency detail, they cannot be accurately represented by coarsely sampled VF tests due to spatial aliasing.
1 Because GOANNA will more densely sample in some regions than others, the ability to truthfully represent the spatial pattern of the underlying VF loss will vary across the field. In this study we present simulation results that are based on empirical data from size III white-on-white targets, however, GOANNA is a thresholding algorithm that could be applied to other stimuli. The effect of sampling errors on test–retest variability should be reduced by using larger, smooth edged stimuli.
1 In such a case, a base stimulus grid for GOANNA could involve continuous tiling of the central 30° of VF.
Another factor that might feed into the selection of seed locations is the idea of giving importance to regions that are more likely to progress or would have greater implications on quality of life. For example, more seed points could be placed at the paracentral inferior region, which has more of a bearing on quality of life compared with the peripheral superior region.
40–42 Assuming asymmetries within the VF, GOANNA will always test some areas more superficially than others. Heuristics to limit the permitted extent of this superficially could be incorporated depending on the clinical context of the VF assessment.
Currently, GOANNA is not disease specific. For example, the gradient calculations are not constrained by midlines; all active/finished locations are calculated, regardless of where they lie with respect to the horizontal and vertical midline. However, if required, GOANNA could be made more disease specific by customizing the position of the seed locations. For example, if testing for a cortical lesion, the majority of the seed locations could be placed on either side of the vertical midline to explore for hemianopia. Alternatively, extra heuristics could be added to GOANNA such that gradients in areas of importance in the VF (based on the disease of interest) are given higher weightings.
A side effect of the GOANNA logic is that blind areas of the field will be discovered and not tested extensively during the field examination. Reduced testing in areas already known to be blind has been proposed as a retest heuristic.
43 The authors suggested that locations that were blind (<0 dB) on three consecutive tests tended to remain blind, hence omitting these locations on future tests will not influence the ability to determine VF progression and will save time.
43 GOANNA differs from that approach, in that GOANNA has the potential to undersample blind areas of the VF at the initial test, because the gradient of the VF is uniform in such areas. The ability of GOANNA to determine VF progression falls outside the scope of this study, however, undersampling of blind areas with a commensurate increase in sampling in areas on scotoma borders may confer some benefits.
In this study, although four different response error profiles were investigated, only the typical FP responder case was reported. In the other conditions, differences between procedures were similar to the FP case, with minimal differences in absolute error when locations were pooled, and GOANNA displaying lower absolute error when
Max_d is high. In practice it is highly unlikely that a given patient would respond as an “unreliable responder” (20% FP, 20% FN), as they would have to give both FP and FN responses in equal proportions. This situation is best avoided by adequate patient training and instruction. False negative responses are difficult to interpret as it is hard to discern whether it is a true false response or due to pathology. Higher rates of FN responses have been reported among glaucoma patients compared with healthy subjects.
44–48 The more likely chance that an observer would give a FN response would be in regions within a scotoma due to a flatter frequency of seeing slope, in which case it would not be deemed a FN response but their true response.
To conclude, we have introduced a novel algorithmic approach to selecting test locations on a fine grid autonomously during the test. GOANNA was shown to improve the characterization of scotomata in regions surrounding scotomata edges. Although a 3° grid was investigated, the general principles of GOANNA hold for any grid resolution or test pattern. Further testing is required to see if this improvement in the characterization of scotoma borders leads to earlier detection of VF progression.