The molecular and cell biological basis for intracellular viral transport has remained elusive, despite intense interest (for review, see Enquist
26 and Diefenbach and Cunningham
27 ). Previously, we tested the role of
Us9 in F strain of HSV anterograde axonal transport using genetic and biochemical tools and in vivo, unfixed neurons.
8 We found that F strain
Us9 plays an important role after retinal infection in the transfer of HSV to the OT and lateral geniculate nucleus of the brain, and that Us9 is likely involved specifically in viral DNA transport.
8 However, different model systems, assays, and particular strains of virus have produced varied results.
6,28–37 Our current method using in vivo tissue and DNA quantification has several advantages. First, the retinal infection model allows synchronous infection of only the cell body of the retinal ganglion cell. Second, dissection of the OT allows us to resolve the movement of virus over time and over a greater distance than is currently possible in cell culture models. Third, the DNA assay is sensitive, quantitative, and can be completed rapidly using very small amounts of tissue. We have chosen to focus on DNA delivery to the distal axon because the viral genome (contained in a capsid) is the essential component to affect encephalic spread. Whether
Us9 is critical to delivery of other viral components to the axon (e.g., envelope membrane, viral light particles that lack capsid and DNA, or cellular membrane vesicles that may include viral proteins) remains to be determined.
The spread of viral DNA differed between F and NS viral strains. Expression of F
Us9 was necessary for delivery of F strain viral DNA to the distal OT at all times but most critically at 3 dpi; NS
Us9, however, was necessary only at 3 dpi. This suggests that Us9 affects DNA loading or axonal delivery differently on different genetic backgrounds. One possible explanation is that the NS variant may be rescued by background compensatory mechanisms.
38 Alternatively, the F strain may be attenuated with mutations that accumulate by repeated passage through cultured cells.
Brideau et al.
39,40 found that an acidic cluster at amino acid residues 46 to 55 in
Pseudorabies virus (PRV) Us9 was necessary for axonal spread in vivo. Based on this finding, we deleted a similar, although not identical, cluster of amino acids in the Us9 of F strain HSV (i.e., the
Us9-30 HSV mutant). Using this highly sensitive viral DNA assay we found that this acidic region of Us9 protein of HSV plays a critical role for
genome transport to the distal axon. The cluster includes two putative tyrosine kinase phosphorylation sites, two potential casein kinase II sites, and an N-linked glycosylation sequence.
39 The absence of these potential activation sites may affect multiple steps, including assembly of capsid in the cell body or the association of nucleocapsids with cytoplasmic motor proteins.
Several facts must be considered in evaluating the role of NS Us9 in viral spread to distal axons of retinal ganglion cells. We recognize that NS wt was an imperfect control virus for the NS
Us9-. NS wt is not a genetically repaired mutant virus, although it expresses an intact Us9 protein on the same background. Secondary compensatory mutations in NS
Us9- may account for the differences we found between NS wt and NS
Us9-, although at 4 and 5 dpi, viral delivery is nearly identical. Because the NS wt and NS
Us9- have been compared in earlier studies, we chose to use the same agents to study axonal transport in our murine model.
5 Our findings provide important clarifications of previous results.
Other studies have raised the possibility that additional proteins may cooperate with
Us9 in targeted transport.
9,38 In our study, the
Us9 gene was the targeted mutation, and expression of other genes, for example, gE, was not affected.
8 Glycoproteins gE and gI as a complex may be able to direct delivery of viral DNA to the axons in the absence of Us9, although perhaps not as efficiently as in the presence of Us9.
6,42 Further experiments using our current assay may clarify possible synergy and redundant mechanisms between gE/gI and Us9.
This is the first quantitative demonstration of how a gene mutation can have profoundly different phenotypic effects on the in vivo axonal delivery of virus. The complicated nature of egress and the synergy between proteins are neither fully understood nor within the scope of this article; however, the variance between the F and NS deletion mutant strains supports the complexity of the mechanism and the necessity to evaluate quantitatively the function of genes in HSV. At its simplest, the time of arrival of new viral DNA to axon endings in the CNS varies with HSV strain. This may be one factor underlying the virulence phenotypes of different strains.
Last, the assay permits standardization of data and opens the field of experimental pathogenesis not only to a quantitative evaluation of the basic mechanisms of viral transport, but also to the study of the effects of additional variables, including viral genetic and host cell neuronal differences. In vitro evidence suggests that the Us9 protein may partner with cytoplasmic microtubule-dependent motors, such as kinesin, to transport HSV viral capsids and DNA.
41,44 Once a particular binding domain is confirmed, the relevant
Us9 mutant could be rapidly analyzed for its transport phenotype in this assay. The same approach would be valuable for tests of long distance, intracellular movement of cargo by other neurotropic DNA viruses, such as HSV-2, varicella virus, adenovirus, and possibly by bacteria.