The amount of crowding differs between healthy adults with normal vision and individuals with amblyopia,
30 schizophrenia,
31 and dyslexia.
32 Children experience greater crowding until adolescence.
33 Recent studies have shown that crowding changes following practice
34–37 and following loss of central vision.
38 Our results indicate that crowding for a peripheral letter recognition task is not affected by senescence in adults. The data are compelling and show no statistically significant relationship between crowding and age, when quantified as a crowding ratio or as the spatial extent of crowding (critical spacing). Critical spacing was measured directly and the results were consolidated by data derived from flanked letter acuity thresholds. Additionally, crowded and isolated visual acuity for peripheral letter recognition did not change significantly as a function of age.
A previous study
27 found no effect of age on visual crowding when it was quantified in terms of a ratio between crowded and isolated acuity. However, it found that both isolated and crowded acuity were worse in the older group. In contrast, we found no effect of age on crowding, regardless of the way it was quantified: either in terms of crowded letter acuity, a crowding ratio, or as the spatial extent of crowding. There are a number of differences between the two studies that could explain these contrasting findings. First, the stimuli, task, and task requirements used in each study were different. The previous study used a Landolt C target and required participants to detect the position of the gap, which was oriented either at the top or bottom (two-alternate forced choice task). The present study used a letter recognition task, where the target letter had to be identified from a set of 10 possible letters, chosen because it is more closely related to peripheral reading ability. It has been argued that crowding only occurs for identification and not for detection tasks,
39–42 and that the reduced ability in detecting the gap in a Landolt C target flanked by bars may not measure crowding at all.
Second, some older participants in the Scialfa et al.,
27 study had visual health problems. For example, one participant had glaucoma, one had loss of peripheral vision, and five had cataracts. Although post hoc analysis revealed no difference in the crowding ratio between older participants with and without self-reported vision problems, it does not remove the possibility that those with visual problems had higher isolated and crowded peripheral visual acuity thresholds, which might have influenced the differences found between the young and older groups.
Third, the targets were presented at different eccentricities in the two studies. Scialfa et al.
27 presented stimuli at 6 or 9° from fixation along the horizontal midline, while we presented targets 10° above fixation. This location was chosen because the majority of central scotomas in patients with AMD are 20° or less in diameter
44 ; therefore, individuals with AMD are likely to use PRLs located 10° or more away from the fovea. Because the target was randomly presented at either 6 or 9° left or right of fixation in the Scialfa et al.
27 study, participants did not know where the target was going to appear. Target recognition in the periphery is highly dependent on the deployment of attention.
45 Randomly presenting the target at different locations introduces spatial uncertainty and is likely to change the attentional demands of the task. Visual attention gets worse with age
46 and older individuals, who perform more poorly at tasks requiring visual attention,
47–49 are likely to perform worse when the location of a target is uncertain. This is connected to the useful field of view, the area of visual field that an individual can rapidly and accurately process visual information, which has been shown to reduce with age
50 and may explain the higher acuity thresholds found in the older group by Scialfa et al.
27 The present study eliminates this influence by ensuring the eccentricity that the target is presented at remains fixed (at 10° above fixation).
The differences found between the present study and that by Scialfa et al.
27 are analogous to those found between studies investigating visual crowding in autism spectrum disorder.
51–53 For example, one study
53 that used stimuli similar to those used by Scialfa et al.
27 found people with autism experienced less crowding than people without autism. In contrast, another study, which measured the spatial extent of crowding, found no difference in crowding between people with autism and normal controls.
Crowding shares a number of characteristics with surround suppression, whereby a high contrast surround reduces the perceived contrast of a center stimulus, suggesting that the two phenomena may share the same neural mechanisms. For example, both crowding and surround suppression show radial-tangential anisotropy,
23,54 tuning for orientation,
41,55 and spatial frequency.
20,55 Additionally, their effects scale with eccentricity
16,23,54 and do not depend on stimulus size.
54,56 However, unlike crowding, surround suppression does not show inward-outward anisotropy
57 (but see also Ref.
58), and occurs only when the contrast of the surround is greater than the target contrast.
59 There is evidence that surround suppression changes with age, though this has been reported as either an increase
60 or decrease
61 in the effects. Our finding that crowding does not change as a function of age adds further evidence to support the idea that crowding and surround suppression are mediated by distinct mechanisms.
The speed of peripheral reading reduces with age.
18 This could be due to a number of factors including changes in temporal processing or crowding. Temporal processing has been shown to influence reading speed
62 and evidence suggests temporal reading speed deteriorates with age.
46,49 Our results indicate that, although crowding also determines reading speed,
19 it is probably not the cause of the age-related decline in the speed of peripheral reading.