This comparison of age- and ethnicity-matched children of European Caucasian origin from the SMS and NICER studies has shown that the prevalence of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism is significantly higher in Northern Ireland than in Sydney in both 6- to 7-year-olds and 12- to 13-year-olds. The mean SER was similar in the two locations in the younger age group, but was significantly lower in Northern Ireland than in Sydney at the age of 12 to13 years, probably owing to a greater shift towards myopia with increasing age in Northern Ireland.
There are few comparable population-based studies on children of European Caucasian origin from other sites. The Aston Eye Study
21 has reported a prevalence of myopia for 12- to 13-year-old European Caucasian children in the United Kingdom of 29.4%. The prevalence of myopia in Poland is 13.9% in urban children of this age, and 9.4% in children from rural areas.
24 In white children aged 12 to13 years in the Collaborative Longitudinal Evaluation of Ethnicity and Refractive Error study, the prevalence is 23.8% (Mutti D, oral communication, September 2011), and the highest value reported for children of European origin is 49.7% at the age of 12 years in a school-based sample in Sweden.
23 Thus, there is marked variation in the prevalence of refractive errors in European Caucasian children, just as there is in children of East Asian origin.
A major strength of this study is that the methods used in the two component studies were very similar, involving school-based recruitment, cycloplegic autorefraction, and IOLMaster measurements of biometry. As the protocol for cycloplegia was slightly different between the two studies, with both using cyclopentolate 1% but with the addition of tropicamide 1% in Sydney, this could be a potential source of variation in refractive errors between Northern Ireland and Sydney. However, previous research has shown that there is no significant difference in the cycloplegic effect obtained from cyclopentolate alone versus a combination of cyclopentolate and tropicamide in children with light irises,
45 and adequacy of cycloplegia was rigorously assessed in both studies before refraction. Additionally, the differences in the prevalence of refractive errors noted between Sydney and Northern Ireland are not consistent with a difference in the adequacy of cycloplegia between sites, because there were more cases of myopia and hyperopia in Northern Ireland and fewer cases of myopia and hyperopia in Sydney, whereas inadequate cycloplegia causes overestimation of myopia and underestimation of hyperopia.
There was also an average 6-month age difference between the two locations. While this is statistically significant, it is of a magnitude that is unlikely to be responsible for the significant differences in refraction between sites. Another difference between the population samples is the fact that while both are of European Caucasian ethnicity, the population of Northern Ireland is overwhelmingly Anglo-Celtic in origin, whereas that of Sydney is more diverse, with a proportion having ancestry from Northern, Southern, and Eastern Europe. The European Caucasian population in Sydney is nevertheless predominantly Anglo-Celtic in origin.
As the differences in refractive errors between Northern Ireland and Sydney are so pronounced, a possible explanation is that the process of emmetropization is different in each location. To investigate this, observations need to be interpreted within the framework of current knowledge about refractive development in children. Briefly, children are predominantly hyperopic at birth, with a normal distribution of refractive errors.
46,47 In the first year or two after birth, the cornea stabilizes,
48 but the refractive distribution becomes tighter, with reductions in both myopia and hyperopia, leading to substantial leptokurtosis with a mean SER that is approximately between 1 and 2 D.
46,47 This appears to involve matching the axial length of the eye to the corneal radius, which produces a leptokurtic distribution of the AL/CR ratio by the age of 6 to 7 years.
26 After this time, axial length continues to increase, and hyperopic errors are further reduced, while myopic errors increase in prevalence.
In both Northern Ireland and Sydney, the distributions of SER were leptokurtic, while AL and CR were both normally distributed. In addition, there were strong correlations of AL and AL/CR with SER in both locations, but the correlations of CR with SER were much lower, although statistically significant. These features are commonly seen during childhood, suggesting that the process of emmetropization is similar in Northern Ireland and Sydney and that the different refractive outcomes result from relatively subtle modulation of a common emmetropization process.
The children from Northern Ireland were significantly taller, heavier, and had higher BMI than the children in Sydney at both ages. Given the difference in stature, the correlations between SER and anthropometric measures were investigated. While the literature is far from consistent,
50–53 some studies have shown that greater height is associated with a more myopic refraction.
54–57 Statistically significant associations of SER with height were detected in the 12- to 13-year-olds, but not in the younger group, at both sites, but regression analysis suggested that the effects were very small and could not account for the differences in refraction between Northern Ireland and Sydney. The relationship between axial length and height has been well documented,
50,54,58 but the correlations of SER with height were much lower than those of axial length with height, showing that emmetropization largely eliminated any relationship between height and refraction in both locations.
The major feature of these data is that at both the ages of 6 to 7 years and 12 to 13 years, there are fewer cases of myopia
and fewer cases of hyperopia in Sydney than in Northern Ireland. Emergence of myopic refractive errors with growth and associated axial elongation throughout childhood often coincides with a parallel decrease in hyperopic refractive errors.
7–9,15,21 That this was not the case in Northern Ireland implies that there may be separate regulation of axial elongation leading to myopia as compared to axial elongation leading to reduction in hyperopia, as appears to be the case earlier in development.
While little is known about why some children remain significantly hyperopic, the development of myopia may be associated with increased engagement in education.
59–67 However, surveys carried out by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development suggest that educational outcomes are higher in Australia
68 than in the United Kingdom, including Northern Ireland.
69 In support of this, our results showed that the proportion of parental tertiary education was significantly lower in Northern Ireland than Sydney.
Previous studies have also reported a strong link between parental myopia and the development of myopia in children.
33,35 While parental myopia was again a strong predictor of refraction in these two samples of children, this factor only accounted for between 2% and 3% of variation in refractive error in pooled data. In general, the differences in levels of parental myopia between the two sites were small and cannot account for the considerable differences in myopia prevalence between sites.
Another factor that has been documented is the protective effect against the development of myopia of increased time spent outdoors,
34,70–73 which has been shown to be mediated by increased release of retinal dopamine by bright light in animal models.
74,75 A previous analysis of Chinese children growing up in Singapore and Sydney has shown that the major factor associated with the large difference in prevalence of myopia is time spent outdoors.
2 The authors do not currently have data on time spent outdoors from Northern Ireland and Sydney, but comparable data will be available from phase 2 of the NICER study, which is reexamining participants three years after their initial measures. However, weather records suggest that climate in Northern Ireland may place an upper limit on light exposures of 2 hours of sunlight per day for 4 months of the year,
76 which is probably below that required for protection,
34,70 whereas daily sunshine duration is typically 6 to 7 hours year round in Sydney.
77 National Aeronautics and Space Administration data also suggest that illumination is generally lower in Northern Ireland than in Sydney.
78 These two aspects of light exposure may contribute to the higher levels of myopia in Northern Ireland, and the difference in availability of bright sunlight exposure in the two locations makes such a hypothesis plausible. It will be tested through the collection of individual data on time spent outdoors in future follow-up studies.
There are many other differences between the two sites. The authors have dealt with four (educational and outdoor exposures in the children and parental myopia and education), because there is substantial evidence that they have a major impact on the development of myopia, and there are plausible mechanisms for their effects. The evidence for other factors is weaker. Diet has been suggested as a risk factor for myopia, with a plausible mechanism proposed,
79 but in Singapore children, while diet does appear to influence axial length, it has no effect on refraction, presumably owing to effective emmetropization.
80 Even extreme undernutrition, resulting in overall stunting, does not appear to influence refractive development.
81 The authors do not have systematic data on this very complex factor, but the available evidence suggests that it is unlikely to explain the differences. Population density may also be important, as suggested in two previous studies.
82,83 Both articles suggest that the prevalence of myopia is higher when the population density is high, but the data from China
83 show that, while the association is statistically significant, the impact of population density is very small. This is also the case for the data from Sydney.
82 It should also be noted that the SMS sample is predominantly urban, while the NICER study surveyed urban and rural areas; yet the prevalence of myopia was higher in Northern Ireland. The population density is 130 persons/km
2 for Northern Ireland,
84 compared to 2058 persons/km
2 in Sydney,
85 suggesting that population density is unlikely to explain the higher prevalence in Northern Ireland.
The prevalence of astigmatism is also much lower in Sydney than in Northern Ireland. One possible explanation for the difference is based on the higher prevalence of ametropia in Northern Ireland, which has been previously reported to be related to a higher prevalence of astigmatism.
86–88 This can be ruled out, since
Figure 3 shows that for emmetropia or any given level of ametropia, there is less astigmatism in Sydney than in Northern Ireland. There is some evidence for the presence of a developmental process by which refractive astigmatism is reduced relative to corneal astigmatism.
86,87 While this process is poorly characterized, the higher levels of astigmatism in Northern Ireland, which are consistent with corneal measures,
88 indicate that this process may be less effective in Northern Ireland. It is to be noted that levels of astigmatism also vary between other populations of European ancestry.
89,90 Further work is required to fully explore the mechanisms underlying the control of the development of astigmatism.
In summary, this comparison of refractive status in two age- and ethnicity-matched school-based representative samples of children of European ancestry from Northern Ireland and Sydney, using common methodology, showed that children in Northern Ireland had a significantly higher prevalence of both myopia and hyperopia, as well as astigmatism, at both ages 6 to 7 years and 12 to 13 years, than did children in Sydney. The authors suggest that the differences in the development of myopia may be explained by the protective effect of time spent outdoors in bright light, but the mechanisms that account for the disparities in hyperopia and astigmatism are currently unclear.