The OKR depends on the activation of DSGCs that are sensitive to object motion.
22 The firing of DSGCs in response to specific direction stimulus depends on asymmetric GABAergic inputs from cholinergic SACs.
23,24 Moreover, selective ablation of ON and OFF SACs has been shown to abolish the directional selectivity of ganglion cell responses and disrupted the OKR.
25 ON and OFF SACs form synaptic contacts with DSGCs in the sublamina 4 (S4) and S2 of the inner plexiform layer (IPL), respectively. To determine the effects of I/R on the SAC-DSGC circuit connectivity, SACs and ON-OFF DSGCs were labeled by immunohistochemistry for acetylcholine transferase (ChAT) and CART, respectively, on cryosections (
Fig. 3A). The cell bodies of OFF SACs were detected in the INL while ON SACs were localized in the ganglion cell layer (GCL) (arrowheads)
23 (
Fig. 3A). The two separate laminae containing OFF and ON SAC dendritic processes appeared in S2 and S4 layers of the IPL, as expected. In the intact retina, CART-positive cells colocalized with β3-tubulin, a specific marker for the whole RGC population (
Fig. 3A, white stars). Previous studies reported that approximately 15% of RGCs expressed CART in the mouse retina, but some CART-positive non-SACs also were detected in the INL.
26 The DSGC dendrites cofasciculated with the SAC extensions in S2 and S4 sublaminae of the IPL (
Fig. 3A).
22,23 The number of ChAT-positive SACs was markedly decreased in the GCL 5 days after I/R (arrowheads) and the ChAT-immunopositive ON-dendritic layer was strikingly weaker in the IPL (white arrow) than that of the OFF stratum (S2) (
Fig. 3A). At the same time point, the CART staining intensity and the number of CART-positive cells were decreased (stars). The dendritic stratification of CART-positive cells appeared diffuse compared with the control situation.
RGC-specific markers, such as Brn3a, Brn3b, and melanopsin, were detected by immunohistochemistry in the intact retina and at 5 days after I/R (
Fig. 3B). The intensity of Brn3a (stars) and Brn3b (arrowheads) immunostainings was markedly decreased after ischemia, whereas the signal for melanopsin remained high, as in intact retinae (
Fig. 3B). RGC protein expression changes suggest a differential susceptibility of RGC subpopulations to ischemic insults.
The dendritic processes of the calretinin-positive AII amacrine cells (
Fig. 3C) and of the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive dopaminergic amacrine cells (
Fig. 3D) were also examined by immunohistochemistry. AII amacrine cell neurites were partially damaged; two of the three sublaminae subsisted 5 days after I/R, probably as a result of the synapse elimination in S3 apposed to ON SAC terminals in S4. In addition, no obvious difference could be noticed after I/R in the S1 sublamina of the IPL containing dopaminergic amacrine cell terminals (
Fig. 3D). TH-positive cells were not lost and kept expressing CART after I/R (
Fig. 3E). Together, these data suggest that I/R provokes severe but also differential dendritic loss of amacrine cells, appearing more pronounced in S3 and S4 containing DSGC-ON SAC synaptic connections.