In the study eye, presence of epiretinal membrane, amblyopia, refractive error (spherical equivalence of < −2.00 or > +2.00), significant cataract, thick subfoveal hemorrhage, history of previous vitrectomy, intraocular surgery for retinal detachment, ocular trauma, ocular inflammation, tapeto-retinal dystrophy, history of photodynamic therapy, focal laser, anti-VEGF treatment or use of any corticoids, history of glaucoma, angioid streaks, and history and diagnosis of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy and central serous chorioretinopathy. In the series of cases with AOFVD, patients with history or diagnosis of CNV were excluded. The absence of CNV in AOFVD was confirmed on ICGA by two retinal specialists (FC, NP).