In the present study, MWT analysis not only confirmed the existence of a dual-band frequency oscillatory pattern in the light-adapted human retina, but also revealed the luminance dependence of this pattern. A plausible explanation for the presence of a stimulus strength threshold for the appearance of the high frequency band could be sought at the complex intensity-response function of the cone-dominated human ERG per se (note that in the text, the term “intensity” is also referred to as “strength”). In response to progressively brighter stimuli, the b-wave of the light-adapted ERG gradually increases in amplitude, reaches a plateau for a narrow range of stimulus strengths and then rapidly decreases with further increments in the flash strength. This unique phenomenon is known as photopic hill.
20,47 According to Ueno et al.,
48 the characteristic shape of the photopic hill results from the summation of two events: at higher flash luminance, the ON response amplitude decreases and the positive peak of the OFF response becomes delayed. This is supported by the fact that mathematical modeling of a combination of ON and OFF cone response curves can produce a hill effect.
49 Intensity–response analysis of light-adapted wavelet derived parameters showed that for low to moderate light stimuli (<0.88 log cd·s/m
2) only the low frequency (80–100 Hz) band could be identified. At these stimulus strengths, OFF bipolar cells (hyperpolarizing type) are known to contribute mostly to the generation of the cone a-wave.
50 Interestingly, the stimulus strength threshold for the appearance of the dual-band frequency pattern coincided with the occurrence of the plateau and decline phase of the photopic hill function (
Supplementary Fig. S1G).
11 The relative amplitude of the high frequency band remained stable with further increments of flash strength (∼10 arbitrary units of power), whereas the relative amplitude of the low frequency band yielded a characteristic “photopic hill” function (see
Fig. 5). Rufiange et al.
20 found that the OPs previously associated with the retinal ON pathway (OP1 and OP2) do not appear to show any deterioration as a result of progressively brighter flashes. Contrastingly, brighter flashes led to a complete abolition of the late OPs (mainly OP4) that are generated by the retinal OFF pathway.
51 Although not proven directly, it can be postulated that the ON and OFF pathways are not only expressed in OP generation, but also may possess different frequency spectrum characteristics. In support of this hypothesis, only OP peaks in the low frequency band showed vulnerability to age-associated decline. Suzuki et al.
52 reported a higher age-related vulnerability of the OFF compared to ON bipolar cells. Further work will be required to determine whether the distinct groups of oscillators identified by wavelet analysis can be attributed to pharmacologically distinguishable retinal pathways.