Ultrastructurally, abundant nerve endings can be found adjacent to the most peripheral dilator cells, but there are also nerve fibers and terminals in the vicinity of the cells of the iridial strands (
Figs. 2C,
3D). Tangential histological sections through the plane of the iridial strands that are stained with neurofilament antibodies reveal the abundance of nerve fibers within this region (
Fig. 4A). Some of these fibers and varicosities stain for tyrosine hydroxylase (
Fig. 4B) and VAChT. Substance P (SP)- and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-immunoreactive terminals are present within the ciliary meshwork, but there are only few labeled terminals in the region of the iridial strands. Most of the nerves and terminals at the iridial strands and their insertion in the ciliary meshwork stain for calretinin (
Figs. 4A,
4C) and are presumably afferent, sensory nerves. In fact, by electron microscopy, in the region of the peripheral iris dilator and in the vicinity of the iridial strands, there are terminals that show numerous mitochondria, similar to afferent endings recently described in the ground plate of the anterior ciliary muscle.
23 In addition, at the insertion of the iridial strands within the ciliary meshwork, there are large nerve endings in contact with the elastic fibers showing abundant filaments, differently sized granular and agranular vesicles, and lysosome-like lamellated structures (
Fig. 4D), a morphology typical for mechanosensory receptors.