The transverse magnification effects on the quantification of ONH parameters were investigated by comparing measurements with and without custom scaling. Using fixed transverse scaling, none of the ONH parameters (i.e., NRV, MRW, sMRW, or BMO area) was correlated with axial length (
P = 0.41,
P = 0.18,
P = 0.32, and
P = 0.54, respectively). However, when custom scaling was implemented, the measurements for BMO area (slope = 0.11 mm
R 2 = 0.15), NRV (slope = 0.04 mm
R 2 = 0.11), and sMRW (slope = 17.1μm/mm,
R 2 = 0.12) increased with axial length (
P < 0.01), whereas MRW did not (
P = 0.08). Further, with a multiple regression analysis to test whether NRV, BMO area, and axial length predicted MRW, the statistics indicated that BMO area and NRV together explained 91% of the variance (
F 2,110 = 535,
P < 0.01). The MRW did not correlate significantly with BMO area (slope = −27.4 μm/mm
R 2 = 0.02,
P = 0.07), but when the MRW was transformed to a scaled value (sMRW) using
Equation 4, there was a significant inverse relationship with sMRW (slope = 60.5 μm/mm
R 2 = 0.12,
P < 0.01). The relationship between the ONH NRR measures of scaled data for NRV and MRW/sMRW were more clearly defined by a power–function relationship, which is sensible because of the dimensions of the measures (volume versus linear). In addition, the ratio of probabilities (363.7) for Akaike information criteria (AICc) analysis supported the use of a simple power function (
y =
axb ), compared to a linear fit. AICc analysis is a statistical method used to determine the simplest model for the best fit to the dataset.
54 Overall, the exponential relationship for sMRW as a function of NRV (
Fig. 2B,
R 2 = 0.94,
P < 0.01) provided a better description of the relationship and accounted for a larger portion of the variance than for the MRW versus NRV relationship (
Fig. 2A,
R 2 = 0.74,
P < 0.01).