There were significant and positive correlations between the RNF and RA trajectories and the axial length. The coefficient of determinant of the curve fitting was >0.9 for all of the cases, which means that the second-degree polynomial equation was a good fit with the shape of the RNF and RA trajectories.
We also tested a linear regression model: RNF trajectory = −0.26 + 0.03 × axial length and RA trajectory = −0.25 + 0.03 × axial length. Earlier, the RNF bundle trajectories were described by a polar coordinate system.
20,21 Although these methods also described the RNF bundle trajectories well, their complexities prevented their general use for research and clinical evaluations. In comparison, our mathematical model is relatively simple and easy to use and requires only a fundus photograph and the easily accessible free public software, ImageJ, provided by the National Institutes of Health.
We were able to obtain the following information using this method. It is known that visual field defects develop in the cecocentral field in the early stages of glaucoma in myopic eyes.
9,10,24 In nonmyopic eyes, such changes usually occur in the intermediate to late stages of glaucoma. The present findings may explain the reason for the location of the defect. Eyes with longer axial lengths are usually myopic and have RNFL bundles running closer to the fovea than those with normal axial lengths, that is, nonmyopic eyes. Because the RNFL bundle defects in glaucomatous eyes generally begin in the supra- or infratemporal sectors (thicker RNFL bundles), the visual field damage would develop closer to the fovea from the earlier stages in myopic eyes than in nonmyopic eyes. Nonetheless, a direct comparison of RNFL defects and RNF trajectories will be still necessary to validate this interpretation.
In the standard clinical setting, RNF photography is still important for studying myopic eyes. However, it is difficult to identify the RNF bundles and defects in myopic eyes because the RNFL is obscured by a low-pigmented fundus. In the Caucasian population, the overall low-pigmented eyes may further exacerbate this phenomenon. Even in more pigmented eyes such as Asian eyes, it is not easy to observe the RNFL in myopic eyes because of the lower pigmentation than in those without myopia. In this study, the distribution of RNFL fibers through the thickest peaks of RNFL coincided well with that of the temporal RA. Therefore, it is possible that the RA can be a good way to monitor the RNFL even when the RNFL location is not clearly observed.
A recent study showed that the RNF bundle defects often appeared in the cecofoveal area in the early stage of glaucoma in myopic eyes; these are easily detected as visual field defects by Humphrey field analyzer (HFA) 10-2.
25 If the RA is located closer to the fovea in myopic eyes, it would be advisable to examine patients with the HFA 10-2 so as not to overlook early glaucomatous damage.
There was a tendency for the RNF bundles, which might indicate RNFL bundles, to run closer to the cecofoveal area; but the correlation coefficient 0.28 was not high, and there were some cases that differed. This would suggest that there was some discrepancy between the empiric data and the mathematical model. Thus, factor(s) other than the axial length may exist that determine the trajectories. One possibility would be the presence of a paradoxical eye, which is defined as one with a short axial length with myopic fundus changes, for example, conus, elliptic optic disc, and greater RNF trajectories (short paradoxical fundus,
Fig. 5A). Or, there may be eyes with a longer axial length with no myopic fundus changes and lower RNF trajectories (long paradoxical fundus,
Fig. 5B). An earlier study showed that there were large variations in the axial length at birth.
26 Thus, a long axial length does not necessarily mean that the axial length will be longer after attainment of full growth. More specifically, even though two eyes have the same axial length in adulthood, if the axial length differed at birth, the degree of elongation must have been different between these eyes during the growth period. This may affect the trajectories of the RNF and the arcade arteries. The present model may help in determining the mechanism for the formation of these eyes and obtaining a correct diagnosis. Furthermore, if a modification of the present formula fits the empiric data better than the original formula, the modified factor might prove to be an important factor for determining the trajectories.
It is well known that the “magnification effect” can affect the results of morphological analyses of OCT images. In this study, we used the trajectories instead of measurement of the distance from the fovea, because the trajectories are not strongly affected by the magnification effect. If the RNF and RA trajectories were closer to the fovea, the optic disc should also be closer to the fovea because the
x-axis and
y-axis change proportionately to the axial length. There is another reason why the correction method for the magnification effect was not suitable for this study. Bennett's formula is supposedly the most suitable method to adjust the deviated results from the magnification effect, and this formula contains the axial length variable.
27,28 However, this was not applicable to the present data to determine the correlation between the fovea–RNF distance and the axial length because each variable contains the common variable of axial length. Thus, using the present analysis, the trajectories were found to be narrower with an elongation of the axial length. However, these results did not fully support the idea that the fovea–RNF distance is smaller in eyes with narrow trajectories than with wide trajectories because we could not measure the distance directly. This issue needs further investigation.
There are several limitations to this study. First, this was not a population-based study. Epidemiological studies have shown that the Japanese population is one of the most myopic groups,
6 and the individuals studied were university students, who are known to be myopic. Thus, our results describe the characteristics of young myopic eyes and might not hold for older and nonmyopic populations. On the other hand, the reliability of the examination was very high because no pathological factors such as cataract or vitreal opacities were present in young healthy individuals, and understanding of the examination was high. In addition, the narrow range of age prevented interference of cohort effects and age effects. There are many factors that affect the trajectories of the RNF or RA, for example, the size and shape and torsion of the eye.
29,30 None of these were considered in our analyses. Only the effect of the eye torsion could be minimized by use of the second-degree polynomial approach (model 2). There will always be limitations in mathematical models. The present model cannot consider the various and complex factors that could affect the structures of the posterior pole of the eye, especially in those with glaucoma. Study of glaucomatous eyes will be mandatory. In comparison to previous reports, in which the RNFL shift was depicted on the circle of optic disc,
17–19 the present approach plotted the RNF trajectories on a much broader area. However, it still covered only the area from the optic disc to the foveal area. Therefore, we do not know about the area temporal to the fovea even from the present model. Finally, it is known that the shadow of an artery affects the identification of the RNFL peak, and this is a limitation of the present analysis of the OCT images.
22,23 In B-scans of the Spectralis OCT, we could not draw an accurate borderline of the RNFL (
Fig. 2) because the blood vessel shadow masked the borderline of the RNFL in most of the images. Thus, we adopted the method commonly used in earlier studies, using the RNFL thickness peak position in the OCT images
17–19 for analysis of the trajectories. These limitations should be remembered in interpretation of the results.
In summary, we were able to establish a mathematical model that can determine the RNF/RA trajectories in normal eyes. Our results showed that eyes with longer axial lengths had narrow RNF/RA trajectories. A shift in the trajectories of the RNF or the RA may lead to ceocentral visual field defects in myopic glaucomatous eyes; however, further studies are necessary to validate this interpretation. In any case, the trajectories of the RNF or the RA should be taken into account in assessment of myopic glaucomatous eyes and to analyze the findings. The present mathematical model may be useful for these purposes.