A retrospective dataset collected from clinic attendees (within the Devers Eye Institute glaucoma service) was used to build the filter. A waiver of informed consent for this data collection was obtained from the Legacy Health Institutional Review Board. This dataset will be referred to as the “cross-sectional dataset” due to 87.5% of eyes having contributed data from two or fewer visits. Participants underwent SAP testing on a Humphrey Field Analyzer II (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, CA, USA) using the standard Swedish Interactive Threshold Algorism (SITA), 24-2 test pattern and standard testing protocols. They also were scanned using confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph [HRT]; Heidelberg GmbH) and data were split into 30° ONH sectors. Both tests were performed within 1 month of each other. Only visits with reliable SAP results (≤15% false positives, ≤30% false negatives and fixation losses) were used. Sensitivities at each of the 52 non-blindspot VF locations were used from SAP. Rim areas in twelve 30° sectors were taken from the HRT scans. A recent study
30 suggested using 30° ONH sectors with the first sector centered on the fovea-ONH axis for general clinical use, since it is robust to the effects of small inaccuracies in mapping individual VF locations to the ONH, and imperfections in imaging and VF measurements.
A “longitudinal dataset” was constructed using SAP and HRT data from the Portland Progression Project (P3). None of the P3 cohort was included in the cross-sectional dataset. The inclusion criteria for the longitudinal dataset were the same as for the cross-sectional dataset. To be included in the longitudinal trend analysis, a minimum of five eligible visits were required for each eye, so that a reliable measure of the rate of change could be obtained. The longitudinal sequences had a mean follow-up time of 5.3 years, ranging from 1.9 to 11.5 years. All participants in the P3 study gave informed consent after having the risks and benefits of the study explained to them. The study protocol was approved by the Legacy Health Institutional Review Board, and adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki.
At each of the 52 VF locations, the filter at location
y˜j) was constructed in three steps. Firstly, a linear regression model using the cross-sectional dataset was fitted to predict sensitivity at location
j, namely (
Display Formula ); see
Equation 1:
εj ∼
Display Formula ) is a normally distributed error term with mean zero and constant variance and the
Display Formula are predictors, including the sensitivities at the other 25 VF locations within the same upper/lower hemifield and the logarithms of the rim area at each of the 30° sectors. Logarithms of the rim area were used because recent studies
31–33 on structural and functional tests have suggested that the change in sensitivity when expressed on a logarithmic scale in decibels (dB) appears to be proportional to the logarithm of the percentage loss of retinal ganglion cells, for which rim area is a structural surrogate. All 12 sectors of the optic disc were used, instead of restricting the analysis to one-half of the optic disc (as was done for the VF locations), to allow for the possibility that VF locations do not necessarily correspond solely with one half of the optic disc, in particular when near the horizontal raphe
34 or when between the optic disc and the fovea.
35 The regression coefficients
βis were constrained to be non-negative based on the assumption that if sensitivity at one particular location is high then it should not predict that the sensitivity at another location will be low. The estimation of
βi, denoted by
β̄i, was determined by least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO).
36 The LASSO often is used for automatic variable selection when predictors are highly dimensional and correlated. The method shrinks the coefficients of noninformative variables to zero by penalizing on the sum of the absolute size of the regression coefficients. To simplify the filter and avoid overfitting, a subset of the eight best predictors was selected through LASSO for each VF location.
For all eyes in the longitudinal dataset, the predicted sensitivity at location
ŷj) was defined as
ᾱ and
β̄is were obtained from the filter constructed on the cross-sectional data and predictors
Display Formula s were defined in the same manner as in
Equation 1. Finally, the filtered value at location
j was defined as the average of the observed and predicted sensitivity, such that
y˜j = 0.5(
yj +
To assess the performance of the filter, longitudinal trend analyses were performed on the filtered and unfiltered data, for each location in the VF. Specifically, the trend over time for each eye was modeled by a linear model (LM), and a nonlinear model (NLM) with the following forms, respectively:
Display Formula and
Display Formula are normally distributed errors with mean zero and constant variance. In Equations 3.1 and 3.2,
Display Formula is the observed sensitivity for each eye at location
j using the first to second last visits (visits 1: [
n − 1]), and
t is the time for each corresponding visit. Then, the LM and NLM analyses were repeated for filtered data for each eye. Use of a nonlinear model for trend analyses is supported by a recent study that found that mean deviation in dB appears to decline exponentially over time.
37 The SDs of the residuals from the trends over time served as a measure of variability that is unaffected by the possibility of progression over time for that eye. This was compared between observed and filtered data sequences. Prediction error (PE), which is defined as the deviation between the observed sensitivity at the last visit (visit
n) and the sensitivity that would be predicted by extrapolating the trend from visits 1 to [
n − 1], also was compared. The PE has been used widely as a surrogate of the performance of new techniques to detect change in series of VF measures and was first suggested by McNaught et al.
38 As a formal comparison, a Wilcoxon matched-pairs one-sided test between the filtered and unfiltered data was performed on the SD of the residuals and the absolute values of the PE (|PE|).
Studies show that retinal ganglion cell (RGC) responses saturate at high contrasts, implying that the probability of detecting perimetric stimuli may not continue to increase as contrast is increased above a point where RGC response saturation has occurred. For example, sensitivities at VF locations that are estimated to be 2 dB during SAP testing may not really be different from locations that are estimated to be 10 dB by SAP testing, and perhaps should not be treated differently. A recent study
39 concluded that sensitivities estimated to be between 0 and approximately 15 to 19 dB during SAP perimetry are unreliable, and are only weakly correlated with true functional status within that range. Therefore as a secondary analysis, we used 19 dB as the lower limit of the reliable stimulus range of standard perimetry to improve the reliability of sensitivities. The filter was reconstructed using the cross-sectional dataset after setting thresholds < 19 dB equal to 19 dB. Then all analyses were repeated after applying this change to the longitudinal dataset in an additional effort to reduce noise.