The corneal stroma is a very dense matrix composed of several hundred sheets of highly organized collagen lamellae, stacked on each other preferably in parallel with respect to the corneal surface. Within a given lamella, the majority of fibrils lie parallel to each other and to the corneal surface, but at large angles with those in adjacent lamella. Overall, they are found at all angles within the corneal plane. Anterior and midstromal lamellae bifurcate and interweave,
1 whereas posterior lamellae tend to lie noninterwoven in stacked layers.
2 The collagen fibrils in the central cornea have preferred directions in the inferior-superior and nasal-temporal meridians in the posterior two-thirds, whereas the anterior third is arranged more isotropically.
3,4 This microstructure of the corneal stroma suggests that its elasticity will depend on direction during mechanical testing (anisotropy) and that the in-plane properties will be different from the transverse properties.
5–7 The cornea shears readily in the tangential plane without separating, even at high shear deformations.
8,9 Thus, the stroma possesses self-cohesion between corneal lamellae,
9–12 which may be attributed to lamellar interweaving, which varies with depth, and appears maximal at the anterior surface and reduces posteriorly.
11,13–16 The corneal stroma has an innate tendency to imbibe fluid and swell. When the stroma swells, it loses its transparency
17–20 because of increased light scattering.
21 Therefore, the physiologic control of swelling is crucial to the maintenance of transparency.
22 This swelling tendency and the transparency in vivo are unusual properties for a connective tissue.
23,24 The leak of aqueous fluid into the stroma is driven by the stromal swelling pressure and is controlled by the ionic permeability of the endothelium.
25 Stromal hydration has an important role in corneal biomechanics,
26,27 and, therefore, affects the transversal shear properties of the stroma.