The mean numbers of the pores within the measurement areas of AOSLO images were comparable (total,
P = 0.366; superior,
P = 0.325; inferior,
P = 0.513) between the 20 glaucomatous (total, 25.8 ± 6.0 [range, 15–40]; superior, 13.4 ± 3.3 [range, 7–20] ; inferior, 12.4 ± 3.9 [range, 5–20]) and 20 normal (total, 23.6 ± 9.2 [range, 8–40]; superior, 12.1 ± 5.1 [range, 4–22]; inferior, 11.5 ± 4.7 [range, 4–21]) subjects. The mean pore area (unpaired
P = 0.031), but not the mean pore elongation (unpaired
P = 0.231), differed significantly between the groups (
Table 1). When we performed multiple logistic regression analysis to correlate the several factors, such as age, disc area, axial length, IOP, disc ovality index, pore area, and pore elongation index, with presence of glaucoma, glaucoma was significantly associated with a larger mean pore area (
P = 0.014), older age (
P = 0.012), higher IOP (
P = 0.014), and a smaller disc ovality index (
P = 0.021), but not the mean pore elongation (
P = 0.092), disc area (
P = 0.789), or axial length (
P = 0.418).