The present data showed that the reason why human lens epithelial cells are resistant to calcium/calpain-induced proteolysis is because of the high ratio of CS to calpain. This conclusion was supported by the following observations: Expression of CS in human HLE B-3 cells was much higher than mouse α-TN4 cells (
Fig. 2). Calpain-specific proteolysis of α-spectrin was observed in soluble proteins from human HLE B-3 cells only when CS mRNA and protein were knocked down (
Fig. 4). When the CS knockdown-HLE B-3 were cultured with ionomycin, calpain 2 was activated, calpain-specific proteolysis of α-spectrin was induced, and cell death ensued (
Figs. 5,
6). The calpain-preferred inhibitor SNJ-1945 reduced calpain-induced proteolysis in the CS knockdown-HLE B-3 cells.
These data are important in the search for molecular mechanisms for cataractogenesis because they help explain the disparity in the ease of producing calpain-induced proteolysis in rodents
21 and the presence of calpain in human lenses,
22 but the lack of calpain cleavage sites on proteins from human lenses.
We now must identify those patients in which environmental factors or human conditions reduce CS activity in their lens epithelium. Numerous factors have been shown to reduce CS in other tissues: Animal experiments support that aging could be such a factor. For example, the klotho knockout mouse shows multiple phenotypes resembling human aging.
23 The deficiency in the klotho protein caused degradation of CS leading to over activation of calpain 1.
24 Age-related fluctuations for the CS gene expression were found in chicken breast muscle and liver, with highest at 2 weeks and lowest at 8 weeks.
25 Hypertension increases in human aging,
26 and the Milan strain of hypertensive rats show a significant decrease in CS activity.
27 PMA-induced phosphorylation of cytoplasmic CS causes redistribution to aggregated CS, which may allow calpain to escape CS inhibition.
28 This implicates cytokines in the regulation of CS. Primary human meningioma cells cultured with hydrogen peroxide showed reduction in CS and calpain-dependent proteolysis. Proteolysis was blocked by calpain inhibitor Z-LLal.
29 Thus, oxidation, an important risk factor for cataract formation has been linked to loss of CS. These data supported our hypothesis that aging and continual exposure to ambient UV-induced oxidation might causes loss of CS activity in human lens epithelial cells; allowing activation of long-dormant calpains, proteolysis of critical cytoskeletal proteins, and cataract formation. The CS activity in the soluble proteins was reported to be similar in a 1.5-month-old and 50-year-old donors.
22 However, these samples were prepared from decapsulated human lenses without epithelium. Thus, a mass spectrometry-based search for changes in CS levels in aging human epithelium could be conducted to test this hypothesis.
A limitation of the present studies was the use of the HLE B-3 cell line that had been immortalized with the adenovirus 12-SV40 virus.
10 These cells theoretically could have reacted differently than primary cells to siRNAs and calpain activation. However, the cell line is well characterized and shows stable epithelial morphology, continues to produce lens β-crystallin, a protein characteristic of lens cell differentiation in vivo, and shows tight cell-to-cell relationships, conditions that may be similar to that found in vivo. The HLE B-3 cells also are useful as an alternative to the more difficult to culture primary human lens epithelial cells because HLE B-3 cells showed tight regulation of calpain activity by CS (
Figs. 1,
2), which is similar to primate lens.
6 The HLE B-3 cells also express transcripts for vimentin and αB-crystallin, which are substrates for calpain.
30,31 Although this cell line has been used by investigators for a number of years,
32 the experiments above will need confirmation in primary human lens epithelial cell culture.