To determine the prevalence of age-related macular degeneration(AMD) in Korean aged over 50 years living in Ansung which is a representative rural farming community and to identify the influence of obesity on AMD.
A total of 5018 individuals recruited to Ansung cohort in 2000 were followed up at year 8 follow-up examination in 2009-2010. The retinal photographs were included at year 8 follow-up examination and were assessed using the grading protocol of the International Age-related Maculopathy Epidemiological Study Group.
Of 3253 participants over 50 years of age, 74(2.3%) were diagnosed as AMD. The prevalence of early AMD and late AMD was 1.8% and 0.5% respectively. In men, the high waist/hip ratio was strongly associated with lower prevalence of AMD and early AMD and the high waist circumference was significantly associated with lower prevalence of AMD. In women, the high waist/hip ratio was strongly associated with higher prevalence of AMD and early AMD and the waist circumference was significantly associated with higher prevalence of early AMD. No other adiposity measure was associated prevalence of AMD.
The prevalence of AMD in Korean population was 2.3% and the influence of obesity on AMD might be inconsistent.
Keywords: 412 age-related macular degeneration •
463 clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: prevalence/incidence •
464 clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: risk factor assessment