To compare A-scan ultrasound and IOL Master in measurement of axial length in idiopathic macular hole.
In 24 eyes of 24 patients diagnosed as idiopathic macular hole, the axial length has been measured by A-scan ultrasound and IOL Master. It was supposed that axial length could be measured shorter than the actual length by ultrasound scan, as boundary around the fovea of the macular hole rises up. In order to correct this, difference in central fovea thickness measured by optical coherence tomography between affected eye and normal fellow eye was added to the axial length in the affected eye measured by the ultrasound, which was compared with the fellow eye.
There was no significant difference between axial lengths measured by A-scan ultrasound and IOL master (23.29mm, 23.43mm, p=0.61) in the affected eye. There was no significant difference in axial lengths of the affected eye and the fellow eye measured by A-scan ultrasound and IOL master, respectively [(23.29mm, 23.31mm, p=0.92), (23.43mm, 23.45mm, p=0.94)]. In case of ultrasound, there was no difference when compared with the fellow eye after difference in central fovea thickness between both eyes was added to the affected eye (23.40mm, 23.31mm, p=0.74).
There was no significant difference in axial lengths of the eye with idiopathic macular hole when measured by A-scan ultrasound and IOL master and no difference was shown in comparison with the fellow eye as well.
Keywords: 586 macular holes •
630 optical properties