Nano-scale evaluation of topographical characteristics and elasticity of the anterior lens capsules (ALC) of cataract patients.
Experiments were conducted on ALCs obtained from patients (Age: 60-65 years) undergoing cataract surgery. For control, clear lens capsules were obtained from cadaver eyes (donor age range: 62-65 years). Topography was studied in details by contact mode of the Atomic force Microscopy (AFM) and analyzed using the XEI software (Parksystems, USA). For measurement of elasticity, Force - distance curve was obtained. The data obtained from the curve was analyzed using Hertzein model to obtain the Young's modulus of elasticity. The collection of samples was done in accordance with declaration of Helsinki.
Surface profile obtained using topographic imaging showed higher surface roughness in ALCs of patients with nuclear cataract than the control group. Nuclear cataract group showed increase in Young’s modulus of elasticity as the nuclear opalescence (NO) and nuclear colour (NC) increases (56.72 kPa) than the control group (42.16kPa). ALCs of cortical cataract and posterior subcapsular cataract showed no significant variation in the elastic property compared to control ALC.
Surface roughness was higher in the nuclear cataract group while elasticity of the ALCs was decreases with the increase in nuclear opalescence than the age matched clear lens capsules. Whereas, ALCs of cortical cataract and posterior sub capsular cataract does not showed any significant change in surface characteristics and elasticity.
Keywords: 445 cataract •
519 extracellular matrix •
607 nanotechnology