To study one of possible pathways that causes senile cataract. The apoptotic proteome of epithelial cells of human lens was studied
Human lens capsules were obtained from people with senile cataract and clear lens. We divided cases into two groups: Group one: cases with senile cataract with nuclear opacification between grades II and III using the Lens Opacities Classficication System III. Group two: cases with clear lens. All cases with ocular comorbidity were excluded. Each capsule was gotten as follows: Phacoemulsification technique was done in both groups. Corneal incision of 3 mm was made, a dispersive viscoelastic (DisCoVisc ® ) was placed in the anterior chamber, a 5mm continous curvilinear capsulorhexis was performed. The capsule obtained was placed in a standard micro test tube and quickly transported to freezing at - 80 ° C. Careful was taken in all cases in order to preserved the integrity of the capsules. No intracameral medication was used during the procedure. No trypan blue or any dye was used. Samples of each group were lysated. Quantification of proteins was done in order to have the same number of micrograms in both groups (300). Proteome apoptotic array (R&D systems) was used. Chemoluminiscence was performed and spots density were quantified in I-BOX system. Fold change method between senile cataract epithelial cells and epithelial cells of clear lens was obtained to establish the relative protein expression.
Sixteen cases were included. Eight cases were in group I with 76 years old (range 67-87). Eight cases were in group II with 45 years old (range 35-55). No complications during the procedure were seen in any group. We obtained the over expression compared with healthy lens of the following apoptotic proteins:TNFR1, SMAC, P53, HTRA, cytochrome C, Bax, p21 and the over expression of antiapoptotic proteins such XIAP, suvinina, livina, HSP,clusterin, DAP1-2
We found an overexpression of proapoptotic and antiapoptotic proteins. The epithelial cell population of human lens are apparently in different steps of life. The major apoptosis the minor transparency. Lens opacity is related with DNA fragmentation.
Keywords: 426 apoptosis/cell death •
663 proteomics •
445 cataract