To evaluate the long-term stability and clinical efficacy of in the bag implantation of intraocular lens and various types of capsular tension ring and segment in eyes with subluxated lens.
59 eyes with various degrees of subluxated lens up to two quadrants were evaluated more than 3 years. All eyes were operated with phacoemulsification and in the bag implantation of intraocular lens (IOL) and various types of capsular tension ring and segment. The final visual acuity, the degree of posterior capsular opacification (PCO) and capsular fibrosis, and postoperative complications including the degree of IOL decentration according to the extent of zonular damage were evaluated.
At 12 months postoperatively, mild PCO and capsular fibrosis was developed in 6 out of 34 eyes with less than one quadrant of zonular damage and in 10 out of 25 eyes with one to two quadrant of zonular damage. At 3 years, moderate PCO and capsular fibrosis was developed in 8 out of 34 eyes with less than one quadrant of zonular damage and in 12 out of 25 eyes with more than one quadrant of zonular damage. At 3 years, in eyes with more than one quadrant of zonular damage with ordinary capsular tension ring, significant decentration of IOL were developed in 4 eyes, and dislocation of entire capsular bag into the vitreous were developed in 2 eyes. However, eyes implanted with modified capsular tension ring and segment had a mild degree of IOL decentration and PCO throughout the follow up period.
The degree of IOL decentration together with dislocation and PCO was greater in eyes with more damaged zonule implanted with ordinary capsular tension ring compared to eyes inserted with modified capsular tension ring and segment. Our results suggest that modified capsular tension ring and segment can be a safe procedure to protect the capsular bag and reduce significant postoperative complications in eyes with moderate degrees of zonular damage.
Keywords: 445 cataract •
567 intraocular lens •
743 treatment outcomes of cataract surgery