Pancreas transcription factor 1 alpha (Ptf1a) is involved in the differentiation of pancreas islet cells and may be involved in the differentation of cell types in other organ systems. In particular it has been shown to be expressed in the horizontal and amacrine cells during retinal zebrafish development. Our purpose is to determine the presence of anterior segment tissues of zebrafish during embryogenesis.
Transgenic Ptf1a:green fluorescent protein (GFP) strain zebrafish were acquired and allowed to develop for 5 days. Fish was embedded in Agarose gel and in-vivo imaging was performed. The zebrafish were scanned with 0.5 micron slices, using Zeiss confocal camera and Z-stack images were obtained.
Ptf1a is transiently expressed early in the anterior segment development of zebrafish, as well as in the horizontal and amacrine cells of retina. Protein expression was evaluated and distribution of protein expression was confirmed by immunoblot analysis and immunohistochemistry.
In this study we show Ptf1a expression in the anterior segment during early development in the zebrafish. Future steps involve determining differentiation pathways and resulting cell types with particular attention to the inner non-pigmented ciliary epithelium and possible implications for aqueous production.
Keywords: 497 development •
735 trabecular meshwork •
698 retinal development