Purpose: To examine recovery of cone photoreceptors in the fovea after serous retinal detachment (SRD) in patients with central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC) and Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease (VKH) with an adaptive optics (AO) fundus camera and to examine correlations between cone analyses and visual acuity.
Methods: Ten eyes of CSC and 4 eyes of VKH were examined. After the SRD at the fovea was resolved with photodynamic therapy or steroid therapy, photographs of cone photoreceptors including the fovea were taken with an AO fundus camera (rtx1, Imagine eyes, France). The area of 200µm X 200µm at the fovea was chosen in the photograph of each eye and analyzed with the manufacturer’s software. Analyses of cone density, cone spacing, and voronoi domains were obtained and correlations between visual acuity and cone analyses were examined. OCT was obtained at the same time and length of the IS/OS line in the OCT image was measured in the area of 200µm at the fovea.
Results: Cone analyses showed that average cone density at the fovea was 15363±4239, average cone spacing was 8.96±1.21μm, and average voronoi domains was 36.9±4.1%. Average visual acuity (logMAR) was 0.155±0.391. Average length of the IS/OS line in the area of 200µm was 77.7±31.5%. Visual acuity and cone analyses showed significant correlations. Cone density; rs= -0.698 (Spearman’s rank Correlation Coefficient), cone spacing; rs=0.663, and voronoi domains; rs=-0.749. The length of IS/OS line and cone density showed a significant correlation; rs=0.770.
Conclusions: Analyses of cone photoreceptors at the fovea after SRD was resolved were significantly correlated with visual acuity.
Keywords: 550 imaging/image analysis: clinical •
648 photoreceptors •
697 retinal detachment