To report the preliminary data of clinical efficacy and safety of Ultrasonic Circular Cyclo Coagulation (UC3) in refractory glaucoma.
11 patients were treated in our centre as a part of the multicenter Eye-Must study. 7 patients had previous trabeculectomies, 3 diode coagulation of ciliary body, 2 valve implant; 3 penetrating keratoplasty, 2 trauma, 2 retinal detachment. All patients were under maximum-tolerated topical treatment; 5 cases also received Diamox. Corneal edema was present in 4 patients. Treatment was performed in peribulbar anaesthesia in all cases; a partial coagulation of 6 fixed zones was obtained by means of a single-step procedure lasting about 2 minutes. Follow-up visits were performed at day 1, 7, 28. Data at month 3, 6, 9, 12 will be provided.
Baseline IOP was 27.1±4.6 mm Hg. IOP at day 1, 7, and 28 was respectively 20.8±5.7, 18.6±6.1, 17.9±3.7 mm Hg; this corresponded to a mean reduction of 23%, 31%, 29%. At day 7, Diamox was discontinued in all patients except one (for this patient, it was reduced); no change in topical treatment was necessary in any patient. Treatment was well-tolerated in all cases. No major intra- or post-operative complications occurred. Mild conjunctival hyperemia was present at day 1 in all cases; 1 case had a mild corneal abrasion. At day 7, all side effects had resolved. At month 1, corneal edema disappeared in 3 patients, and reduced in 1. No patients required any other surgical procedure.
Based on our preliminary data, UC3 is a secure and effective treatment in refractory glaucoma.
Keywords: 455 ciliary body •
568 intraocular pressure