PURPOSE: Analyze the results obtained during the screening of AMD taked at the University Hospital. To determine the risk factors in the poblation studied.
METHODS: Patients undertook standardized questionnaire on risk factors , Biomicroscopic examination of the anterior and posterior segmento . We classified the positive cases with classification of AMD.
RESULTS: The gender of the poblation with AMD was composed by 39% masculine and y 61% feminine. The racial distribution was: 72% caucásian,24% mestizos, 2% aboriginal, 0,5% oriental and 0,5% black. The color of the iris was: Brown: 72%,light blue: 16% and médium: 12%. The relation with smoking habit was: 89% doesnt smoke and the other smoke less tan one pack of cigarettes or 1 or 2 packs a day .In regards to sun exposure: without exposure1%; the rest: 1 hour 65%; 2 hours: 28%; 6 hours 4% y 8 hours 2%. In relation to consumption of red meat: once a week 35%, twice a week 31%; three times a week 14,%, four times a week 8%, five times a week 6% and never 6%.In relation to consumption of fish : once a week 59%, twice a week 0,5%, thrice a week 17%, 4 times a week 0 %, five times a week 0% and never 23%. In regards to the classification of AMD. We found this distribution: 1°grade:10%; 2°grade: 20 % ; 3°grade: 30% and 4°grade: 40%.
CONCLUSIONS: The population was stratified according to risk factors, related to dietary and hygienic habits, we concluded that smoking and intake of red meat, are a major risk factor for developing macular degeneration Age-related AMD.
Keywords: 412 age-related macular degeneration