To report the effectiveness of the PINT-ROP growth model in detecting cases of previously diagnosed threshold retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) at a single study center.
Retrospective chart review. Infants treated with laser therapy were identified retrospectively by billing diagnosis. The PINT-ROP growth model was used to determine if infants with threshold ROP requiring laser therapy would have been predicted with this model.
34 infants were identified for the study. The PINT-ROP model accurately predicted severe ROP in 32 of 34 infants an average of 9.5 weeks before threshold disease occurred. Two infants, born at gestational ages 29 and 30 weeks, were not flagged for treatment at any point between birth and diagnosis of threshold disease.
Growth models are used to attempt to reduce the need for ROP screenings for infants at low risk for developing severe disease. The PINT-ROP model failed to identify all infants requiring laser therapy in this cohort of children, possibly due to the older gestational age at birth. Standard screening guidelines for infants at risk for ROP should not be altered for infants born at gestational age greater than 28 weeks based upon these findings.
Keywords: 706 retinopathy of prematurity