To study the quality of life of Asian keratoconus patients.
Telephone interview of keratoconus patients seen at Tan Tock Seng Hospital from July 2003 to June 2011 were performed using the VFQ-25 questionnaire. Demographic data and quality of life such as near and distance activities, social functioning, role difficulties, dependency and driving were assessed.
Twenty patients were surveyed, of which 40% were male (8/20) and 60% female (12/20). The mean age was 20.7 ± 7.5 years (range 17-47). There were 40% Chinese (8/20), 25% Malays (5/20) and 35% Indians (7/20). Patients who had best spectacle corrected visual acuity (BSCVA) 6/21 or better scored better in role difficulties (76.7 vs 50.0, P=0.05). They also performed better in near and distance activities (95.6 vs 79.2, P=0.30; 97.8 vs 72.9, P=0.30). Patients with maximal keratometry readings (Kmax) less than 49 dioptres fared better in terms of social function (100 vs 90.63, P=0.05) and role difficulties (83.0 vs 54.7, P=0.03). Patients who underwent cornea transplant were more independent (100 vs 87.8, P=0.04) in their activities of daily living. Keratoconus patients wearing rigid gas permeable lenses were more confident in their driving (97.2 vs 75.0, P=0.20).
Patients with BSCVA better than 6/24 and Kmax less than 49 dioptres had less role difficulties and better social functioning. Those who underwent cornea transplant were functionally more independent.
Keywords: 574 keratoconus •
669 quality of life •
676 refraction