The purpose of this study is to evaluate the postoperative changes in quality of life and cosmesis in patients who underwent direct browlifting procedures. The direct brow lift is a superjacent surgical technique designed to improve brow ptosis. Advantages of the procedure include overall effectiveness and minimal bleeding. Disadvantages include a visible facial scar and a potentially unnatural eyebrow contour, that can result in a “surprised” look.
Patients who underwent direct brow surgery from 2005 to 2012 were asked to participate in a 14 question survey. Those patients who had concurrent eyelid surgeries, such as blepharoplasty, were excluded.
Twenty-five patients participated in the study. Twenty-three (92%) patients responded favorably when asked if they were happy with the results of the surgery. Overall, 15 patients (60%) noted an improvement in vision and 14 (56%) of participants denied having a visible facial scar. The majority of the 11 patients (%) who did note a scar had no cosmetic complaints regarding it (4, 16%). Moreover, 21 (84%), patients denied light sensitivity, 25 (100%) denied any new headaches/pain, and 24 (96%) denied forehead/scalp numbness.
Direct browplasty provides an improvement in vision and overall positive surgical result. Negative outcomes, including a scar, are minimal.
Keywords: 527 face perception •
631 orbit •
765 wound healing