To use the archives of a large collection of comparative ocular pathology to catalogue the predisposing factors, presenting characteristics, and morphologic variants of feline ocular post-traumatic sarcoma (FOPTS).
The database of the Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin (COPLOW) were searched and records of FOPTS were examined. The signalment, age at enucleation, age at trauma, type of trauma, and the morphologic variant of tumor were recorded and compared.
325 cases of FOPTS were identified and studied. The spindle cell variant made up (67%) of the cases, followed by the round-cell variant (21%), and the osteosarcoma / chondrosarcoma variant (10%). Males accounted for 67% of cases. 81 cases (25%) listed trauma as the original disease process and all cases (100%) had a history of chronic eye disease. The average time between trauma and enucleation was 6.2 years.
There are three morphologic variants of FOPTS: spindle-cell, round-cell, and osteosarcoma/chondrosarcoma. All of the variants present after a history of chronic eye disease. A historic traumatic event was often specified in the distant past but most cases had a history consistent with this scenario even if the event was not specified. Males are over represented in the series
Keywords: 744 tumors •
742 trauma •
636 pathobiology