To describe a case series of primary ocular osteosarcomas and chondrosarcomas in dogs.
The COPLOW database was mined for cases of primary osteosarcomas and chondrosarcomas. Cases were reviewed and described, and additional clinical and follow-up data were collected from submitting veterinarians where available.
There are 4 cases of canine primary osteosarcoma and 5 chondrosarcomas in the COPLOW collection. The average age at enucleation is 10.6 years old (range 6-15), and 8 of the 9 cases are in male dogs. There are 2 Golden retrievers, 2 Rottweilers, and 1 each Blue heeler, Collie, Staffordshire bull terrier, Maltese, and Cocker spaniel. One case is bilateral. Increased intraocular pressure, hyphema, and uveitis are the most common presenting complaints. Histologically the tumors are comprised of variable amounts of spindle cells that carpet the ciliary body epithelium, and variable amounts of extracellular matrix consistent with either osteoid or cartilaginous matrix. The carpeting effect is variably extensive among the cases but the pattern of lining the ciliary body epithelium is consistent. Nine of the 10 eyes have thick preiridal fibrovascular membranes. None of the dogs have a known history of skeletal lesion, or a clinical history suggesting one. Four dogs died or were euthanized with suspected or confirmed metastatic disease, a fifth died of “old age.” No follow-up data were available for the remaining cases. Normal canine globes contain no bone or cartilage, thus the cell of origin in these cases is unclear.
We propose that these cases represent primary ocular neoplasms. Canine primary osteosarcomas and chondrosarcomas frequently present with hyphema, uveitis, and increased intraocular pressure in older dogs. There is a possible male predilection.
Keywords: 744 tumors •
455 ciliary body