MITF plays a key role in melanocyte development and tumorigenesis of melanoma. The role of MITF in uveal melanoma, however, is not fully understood. In the present study, we investigated the function of MITF in uveal melanoma cells.
The expression of MITF was determined by Western blotting in both normal uveal melanocytes and uveal melanoma cell lines. MITF specific siRNA was used to downregulate MITF expression by transfection into uveal melanoma cells with lipofectamine 2000. Cell cycle and proliferation was analyzed by flow cytometry and MTS assay, respectively. Cell apoptosis was detected by measurement of caspase 3/7 activity.
MITF was dramatically upregulated in uveal melanoma cell lines, as compared with normal uveal melanocytes. Transfection of MITF specific siRNA led to a remarkable decrease of MITF in uveal melanoma cells. Downregulation of MITF significantly inhibited cell proliferation, induced cell cycle G1 arrest and apoptosis.
Our results demonstrated that MITF is a potential therapeutic target in uveal melanoma.
Keywords: 589 melanoma •
654 proliferation •
744 tumors