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Substance P (SP)--like immunoreactivity has been localized to distinct retinal cell populations in the primate Macaca nemestrina by means of immunohistochemical techniques with a well-characterized monoclonal antiserum directed to SP. The specificity of the immunoreactive staining was established by absorption of the antiserum with 10 micro M synthetic SP. Specific SP-like immunoreactivity was observed within varicose processes located in the outer plexiform layer, inner nuclear layer (INL), and in three bands within the inner plexiform layer (IPL). SP-immunoreactive somata were located in the proximal INL, IPL, and ganglion cell layer. These studies have thus identified SP-containing amacrine cells, interstitial amacrine cells, and displayed amacrine cells. In addition, these studies suggest the existence of SP-containing interplexiform cells and perhaps ganglion cells.