Serial fundus autofluorescence examinations in patients with GA in
this pilot study disclosed the occurrence of new atrophic patches and
spread of preexisting atrophy solely in areas with abnormally high
levels of fundus autofluorescence at baseline. Occurrence of atrophy
was not noted in areas with normal background fluorescence.
Fundus spectrophotometric studies with spectral analysis indicated that
RPE lipofuscin contains the dominant fluorophores of fundus
9 The longitudinal variations observed in
the present study in a small number of patients indicate an association
of excessive RPE lipofuscin accumulation and development of GA (i.e.,
cell death at the level of the RPE, outer neurosensory retina, and
choriocapillaris). Two principal explanations may be considered
regarding the nature of association: Lipofuscin may play a direct
pathogenetic role by causing RPE dysfunction with subsequent
deleterious effects. Alternatively, excessive accumulation of
lipofuscin is an expression of RPE cell dysfunction rather than a cause
of it.
GA is a cause of severe irreversible visual loss in patients with
18 23 24 There is evidence to suggest that such
lesions are associated with changes in the outer retina and with
accumulation of debris at the level of Bruch’s
25 26 27 However, the pathophysiological mechanisms
of the atrophic process, involving the RPE, the neurosensory retina,
and the choriocapillaris, are poorly understood. In a cross-sectional
study on eyes with ARMD, increased accumulations of autofluorescent
material at the level of the RPE were most frequently been observed in
eyes with GA when compared with eyes with other ARMD
13 Rückmann et al.
12 initially described the presence of elevated autofluorescence
surrounding atrophic areas in eyes with ARMD. In addition, various
patterns of changes in fundus autofluorescence may occur in the
junctional zone of GA reflecting heterogeneity of the underlying
disease process.
In vitro ultrastructural studies of eyes with geographic atrophy
have been performed in the past.
27 28 Lipofuscin and
melanolipofuscin-filled RPE-cells were observed in the junctional zone
between the atrophic and the normal retina. As the atrophic region was
approached, the RPE became increasingly abnormal in shape, and cell
loss was evident. Closer to the edge of the atrophic area, large
hyperpigmented RPE cells were being shed into the subretinal space.
Many contained large membrane-bound bodies filled with fused lipofuscin
and melanolipofuscin granules. It was assumed that the accumulation of
lipofuscin and the subsequent increased autofluorescence granules in
these cells is not only the result of autophagy and outer segment
phagocytosis but also of engulfment of cellular debris including spent
RPE cells.
27 28
In contrast to histologic studies, examination with the confocal
scanning laser ophthalmoscope gives information on the spatial
distribution of variations in lipofuscin-mediated fundus
autofluorescence and allows for examination in vivo over time. The
fundus autofluorescence findings in patients with GA show similarities
with the in vitro observations. Lipofuscin-laden cells in the
junctional zone may correspond to the band of increased
autofluorescence surrounding the atrophic patch. However, the size of
the junctional zone with increased autofluorescence shows marked
interindividual variation with regard to its peripheral extension in
20 In addition, it is usually broader than the
hyperpigmented rim seen ophthalmoscopically.
27 In contrast
to histologic findings reported so far, our findings indicate that the
so-called junctional zone with abnormal RPE may extend far beyond a
small band at the margin of the atrophic patch. It may be speculated
either that eyes with such widespread change have not yet been examined
histologically or that they have not been reported.
Diffusely increased autofluorescence at the posterior pole associated
with GA may reflect a large area of incipient atrophy. The term
incipient atrophy was initially introduced by Green and
27 and Sarks
28 and is characterized by
semisolid drusen (i.e., small dot-like drusen, 25–50 μm in size) and
a microreticular pigment pattern. Although there were few drusen and
minor pigmentary irregularities outside the atrophic patches in the
eyes presented herein, these changes were not identical with Sarks’s
description of incipient atrophy. Some of the drusen were larger, and,
more important, in some areas with elevated autofluorescence, there was
no visible alteration on funduscopy or color photographs at all.
Therefore, fundus autofluorescence imaging obviously provides
additional information over and above conventional fundus photographs.
Based on these preliminary observations, areas of incipient atrophy may
be more accurately delineated with scanning laser ophthalmoscope
autofluorescence imaging than with conventional funduscopy or fundus
photography. The eyes reported in this study had several patches of
atrophy indicating that cell death did not occur exclusively at the
junctional zone of a single atrophic patch but at many sites at the
posterior pole simultaneously in the presence of diffuse change.
Multifocal patches of atrophy have been shown to increase in size with
time and to coalesce, resulting in a large patch of atrophy as the
endstage of the disease process. Eyes with such diffuse increased
autofluorescence may be at particularly high risk for the development
of large scotomas and loss of central vision with foveal involvement.
Several previous studies have described the progression of GA
over time.
18 19 29 In a retrospective study, Schatz and
30 found a rate of spread of geographic atrophy
growth of 15 to 375 μm (average, 139 μm) per year, whereby smaller
areas tended to grow slower than larger atrophic areas. In a
prospective study of the natural history of the progression of GA,
Sunness et al.
18 recently demonstrated a mean enlargement
of the total GA area of 2.2 disc area (DA) by 2 years. In this study
the amount of enlargement increased with increasing baseline total
atrophy up to 5 DA of baseline atrophy, and, interestingly, leveled off
at more than 5 DA. Whereas Sarks
28 hypothesized that
atrophy stops enlarging once all incipient atrophy characterized by
areas of pigment epithelial attenuation and focal hyperpigmentation has
become involved, Sunness et al. showed enlargement of atrophy at all
baseline atrophy levels. However, it can only be speculated how far the
atrophy would eventually spread if the affected patient could be
observed for a period far beyond normal life span.
We observed a spread both of the areas of atrophy and of the total
areas of abnormal autofluorescence over time. It may be speculated that
atrophy does not grow beyond the area of abnormal autofluorescence and
that the area therefore reflects the maximal extension of atrophy
during the subsequent clinical course. This observation may also
reflect the common restriction of ARMD to the central retinal area.
Autofluorescence appearance was normal in all eyes studied peripheral
to the area of abnormally high autofluorescence, and in none of the
eyes studied did GA occur in those areas. If an increased lipofuscin
content precedes cell death, it may be speculated that the spread of
the atrophic area may be greater and faster toward areas with more
intensely increased autofluorescence. Future long-term in vivo studies
using the confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope should address the
question of whether the rapidity of spread of the atrophic area
correlates with size and intensity of abnormally high autofluorescence
in the junctional zone.
In summary, because increased fundus autofluorescence precedes
development of GA, it is assumed that topographic detection of
variations in fundus autofluorescence using confocal scanning laser
ophthalmoscopy may be of prognostic value and may serve to identify
patients at high risk for occurrence or enlargement of absolute
scotomas and thus severe visual loss. Furthermore, the findings reflect
the pathophysiological significance of excessive lipofuscin
accumulations in RPE cells. Based on our observations, we initiated an
expanded natural history study including fundus autofluorescence
examinations in patients with GA. This may provide information
important to the understanding of the mechanism of disease and may be
helpful in monitoring the effect of future therapeutic interventions.
The authors thank Alan C. Bird for critically reading the
manuscript and for excellent discussion.