This research adhered to the Declaration of Helsinki for research
involving human subjects. All normal volunteers and patients with
cataract participated in an National Eye Institute Institutional Review
Board–approved clinical protocol and gave informed consent. They all
also underwent a complete comprehensive eye examination including slit
lamp examination and grading of their lenses using the Lens Opacities
Classification System (LOCS) II.
7 Pupils were dilated
maximally for the eye examination but not for the MRI examination. All
imaging experiments were performed on a Signa 1.5-T (General Electric,
Milwaukee, WI) MRI system. Images were acquired using a custom-made
4-cm receive-only surface coil attached to a specially constructed
Lucite framework with a locking headband. This allowed the probe to be
securely and comfortably locked to the volunteer being scanned. The
headband was also equipped with a blinking LED (∼1 Hz) fixation
target positioned approximately 6 in. above the eye being scanned. Spin
excitation was accomplished through the body coil.
MR images were acquired from the right eye only. There were five normal
volunteers, all of whom had LOCS II scores of nuclear color (NC) =
0, nuclear opalescence (NO) = 0, cortical opacity (C) = 0,
and posterior subcapsular cataract (PSC) = 0. There were four pure
nuclear cataracts. Two of these had an LOCS II score of NC = 2,
NO = 2, C = 0, and PSC = 0, and two had an LOCS II score
of NC = 1, NO = 1, C = 0, and PSC = 0. Last, there
were five pure cortical cataracts, four with an LOCS II score of
NC = 0, NO = 0, C = 2, and PSC = 0 and one with an
LOCS II score of NC = 0, NO = 0, C = 1, and PSC =
0. The average age of the normal volunteers was 63 years, and the
average age of the patients with cataract was 58 years. Images were
acquired using a fast spin–echo sequence modified to provide either an
MTC preparation pulse or a dummy pulse of the same length but with no
radio frequency (RF) power. The MTC preparation pulse consisted
of twenty 8.5-msec sinc pulses, 1200 Hz upfield from the water
resonance and 1.2-Hz RF power. The image parameters were 14-msec echo
time (TE), 2-sec recovery time (TR), 1.5-mm slice thickness, 80-mm
field of view (FOV), 256 × 160 matrix size, and an echo train
length of eight echos. Real-time phase correction was performed by
adjusting the readout dephaser.
An initial axial locator scan was performed with a multislice, fast
gradient recalled echo sequence. The lens center was located and used
to prescribe a set of sagittal slices for the MTC fast spin–echo
sequence. The same set was acquired several times with
(Ms) and without (M0) the
MTC preparation pulse. The set of images least affected by motion
artifacts was used for ROI analysis.
Contrast-to-noise ratios were measured for several ROIs in the lens.
The contrast-to-noise ratio is defined by
\[C{=}\ \frac{I_{\mathrm{ROI}}-I_{\mathrm{Ref}}}{N}\]
I ROI is the average
intensity in the ROI,
I Ref is the
average intensity in a reference region (either vitreous or aqueous),
N is the root mean square (RMS) noise in the
image. The contrast-to-noise ratio provides a convenient, meaningful,
way of comparing tissues within and between images. The aqueous was
used as the reference region, because its signal should not be altered
by either cataract formation or MTC contrast enhancement.
Statistical significance was determined using the Students’ t-test for unpaired samples with unequal variances.