86Rb uptake was measured in intact lenses.
The rate of ouabain-sensitive potassium (
uptake was used as an index of Na,K-ATPase–mediated active potassium
transport, based on the assumption that Na,K-ATPase transports
86Rb similarly to potassium. Lenses were
preincubated for a specified period in Krebs solution containing test
agents, and then
86Rb Cl (∼0.1 μCi/ml) was
86Rb uptake was linear over a period of 30
minutes (
Fig. 1A ). To determine ouabain-sensitive
86Rb uptake,
half of the lenses in each group also received 1 mM ouabain, added 10
minutes before
86Rb Cl. In most experiments the
86Rb uptake period was 30 minutes. After the
86Rb uptake period, each lens was removed from
86Rb-containing Krebs solution and rinsed in
ice-cold nonradioactive Krebs solution for 2 minutes. The lenses were
weighed, lyophilized, and reweighed to determine water content. Dried
lenses were digested in 30% nitric acid, and
86Rb in the acid digest was measured by
scintillation counting. Based on the specific activity of
86Rb in the Krebs solution, uptake results were
expressed as nanomoles of potassium accumulated per gram lens water per
30 minutes.