Despite a long history of association with myopia, near work describes very little of the variance in refractive error compared with heredity. Models of refractive error with near-work variables generally have an
R 2 between 2% and 12%.
1 2 4 7 This compares poorly with heritabilities of at least 0.82 in twin studies.
24 25 26 A limited role for near work is also supported by the modest effect of bifocal spectacles in children with myopia with esophoria at near. The progression of myopia is reduced by only 20% in children wearing bifocals compared with children wearing single-vision glasses.
67 The higher prevalence rates for myopia in Asia are consistently related to education
11 12 59 60 but have only been weakly associated with near work.
60 68 69 A recently reported significant odds ratio for near work in Chinese schoolchildren is difficult to interpret, because it is unclear whether it represents the effect of near work or an urban versus rural site.
70 Location may be an important confounding variable. After adjustment for location in a subsequent study, as well as for age, night-light use, and parental myopia, the only significant association between myopia and near work in a sample of Singaporean and Chinese children was for the number of books read per week, but not for hours of reading per day, a near-vision task index, additional classes, or computer use.
71 Similar to the present study, odds ratios for parental myopia were higher (3.44 for two compared with no parent with myopia) than for near work (1.43 for reading more than two compared with less than two books per week).
71 It may be that universal exposure to near work in Asian schooling makes it less important as a risk factor. As Saw et al.
60 have suggested, education may be a surrogate for intellectual ability rather than near work. Intellectual ability may be a more important risk factor than near work.
40 41 The impact of intellectual ability may be underestimated in the present study, because the OLSM sample was from a district where the average ITBS scores were above the national average and most students go to college. Alternatively, ITBS scores may be an imperfect marker for general intellectual ability, because they are only moderately correlated with IQ scores
52 and heavily emphasize skills important for reading.
53 54