The 10° calibration measurement was significantly correlated
with several ocular parameters that may influence the position of
Purkinje images I and IV—namely, corneal power, crystalline lens
thickness, and posterior radius of the crystalline lens
(Table 2) . Anterior chamber depth did not appear to affect the position
of the Purkinje images. Taken together in the following multiple
regression model, each term retained significance (
P <
0.0001), with an adjusted model
R 2 =
Each of these parameters shows both intersubject variation and
age-related changes.
24 29 30 Applying an individual
calibration factor should reduce variability from these sources.
Only subjects with an accommodative response of more than 1.00 D
between the 0.00-D and either the 2.25-D or the 4.37-D stimulus level
were included in these analyses. This avoided the problem of inflating
the AC/A ratio by including very small denominators. A substantial
proportion of children did not accommodate by more than 1.00 D at the
2.25-D stimulus level (311/847, 36.7%), as might be expected from the
amounts of accommodative lag reported for children tested with a
similar protocol.
21 This 1.00-D criterion excluded only 13
subjects at the 4.37-D stimulus level. Screening for poor accommodative
responses did not appear to exclude a higher proportion of myopes than
other refractive groups, despite evidence that myopes have greater
amounts of accommodative lag than emmetropes in previous
4 5 and in our sample (1.44 D and 1.03 D,
respectively, at the 4.37-D stimulus level; least-squares means
P = 0.0044). Of the 13 excluded subjects, 2
were myopes, 7 hyperopes, and 4 emmetropes. These few excluded subjects
may have been slightly older; nine were in the upper grades 5 to 7,
whereas one each was in grades 1 to 4.
The response AC/A ratio adjusted for age differed as a function of
refractive error category (two-way ANOVA;
P < 0.0001).
Myopes had the highest AC/A ratios (6.39 Δ/D), emmetropes the
intermediate ratios (3.94 Δ/D), and hyperopes the lowest ratios (3.40Δ
Fig. 2 ). AC/A ratios at the 2.25-D stimulus level were also higher in myopes
(5.61 Δ/D) than in emmetropes (4.12 Δ/D) and hyperopes (3.56 Δ/D;
two-way ANOVA;
P < 0.0001). As in a previous
31 the AC/A ratio appeared to be linear over the
stimulus interval with an average value of 3.98 ± 2.10 Δ/D at
the 2.25-D stimulus level and 3.90 ± 1.78 Δ/D at the 4.37-D
level. There was a slightly higher average AC/A ratio at the 2.25-D
level for the subjects with valid measurements at both levels,
0.34 ± 1.44 Δ/D, with statistical significance at this large
sample size, (paired
P = 0.0001). As
a function of refractive group for the 533 children with valid
measurements at both stimulus levels, the AC/A ratio was slightly
higher at 2.25 D for hyperopes (0.23 ± 1.42 Δ/D;
P = 0.038) and emmetropes (0.42 ± 1.43 Δ/D;
P < 0.0001), but not for myopes (−0.04 ± 1.96Δ
P = 0.92; all paired
Response AC/A ratios unadjusted for refractive error increased
significantly with age (one-way ANOVA;
P = 0.0002;
Table 3 ). Because the prevalence of myopia also increases with age, we looked
at whether an increase in the AC/A ratio with age might be due to a
change in refractive error. This appeared to be the case. Age was no
longer a significant factor after adjustment for refractive error
(least-squares means comparison;
P = 0.098). Unless
otherwise indicated, subsequent analyses were conducted on the data
from the 4.37-D stimulus level.
The association between refractive error and AC/A ratio can be examined
in more detail in the scatterplot shown in
Figure 3 . The pattern suggested by the age-adjusted least-squares means shown in
Figure 2 is apparent in
Figure 3 —that is, myopes have the highest AC/A
ratios and hyperopes the lowest. Additionally, there was a group of
subjects with elevated AC/A ratios located between refractive errors of−
2.00 D to +1.00 D, suggesting that these children were either at
higher risk of development of myopia or had had recent onset of myopia.
We therefore tested whether an elevated AC/A ratio was associated with
an increased risk of the onset of myopia. Of the 828 children examined
in 1996, 726 did not have myopia and were available for re-examination
in 1997. Of the 102 children not seen in 1997, 67 were in eighth grade
in 1996, 23 already had myopia, and 12 were lost to follow-up. An ROC
curve displaying the sensitivity (probability AC/A ≥
x myopia onset) and 1 − specificity (1 − probability
AC/A <
x no myopia onset) of the AC/A ratio as a
test for the onset of myopia is shown in
Figure 4 . The point of maximum discrimination was an AC/A ratio of 5.84 Δ/D.
Using this value as a cutoff point, the relative risk for the onset of
myopia within 1 year associated with having an AC/A ratio of 5.84 Δ/D
or more was significantly elevated at 22.5 (95% CI = 7.12–71.1;
Table 4 ). As Gwiazda et al.
9 point out, this increased risk may be
severely confounded by having an emmetropic refractive error, another
risk factor for myopia.
Table 5 presents the data of
Table 4 but excludes children with refractive
errors of +0.75 D or more hyperopia. We have previously identified this
level of hyperopia as a useful cutoff point when using refractive error
as a predictor of future myopia.
32 The relative risk for
the onset of myopia within 1 year among children without myopia with
refractive errors of less than +0.75 D and an AC/A ratio of 5.84 Δ/D
or more was 3.21 (95% CI = 1.14–9.07). Although refractive error
had a confounding effect, an elevated AC/A ratio remained a significant
risk factor for the onset of myopia even after stratifying by
refractive error.
This estimate of the relative risk may be elevated when calculated from
the same data used to determine the cutoff point. Ideally, it should be
evaluated in the future using an independent sample. We also modeled
the risk of the onset of myopia within 1 year without using cutoff
points, with the AC/A ratio and refractive error as continuous
variables. As shown in
Table 6 , a Δ/D unit elevation in the AC/A ratio was associated with a 50% to
60% increase in risk of the onset of myopia within 1 year, whether the
entire sample of 726 children was used or restricted to children with
refractive errors less hyperopic than +0.75 D. A diopter difference
toward greater hyperopia was highly protective against the onset of
myopia in both samples.
The preceding analysis indicates that the response AC/A ratio was an
important risk factor for the onset of myopia. Yet the more common
clinical measure of the AC/A ratio is the stimulus AC/A ratio, obtained
from the patient’s distance and near cover test results and
interpupillary distance. This measurement does not require an
assessment of accommodative response at a given stimulus level. The
stimulus AC/A ratio was not associated with refractive error group
Fig. 5 ; least-squares means comparison;
P < 0.60), indicating
that the difference between the distance and near phoria was not
associated with refractive error group. Consistent with our previous
19 increased esophoria at near was not
significantly more common among myopes, possibly because there were
higher amounts of accommodative lag in myopes than in other refractive
groups in previous studies
4 5 and in our current sample.
To determine whether there were structural correlates to the AC/A
ratio, we performed univariate and multivariate analyses of AC/A ratio
values and ocular components measured in the OLSM test battery. As seen
Table 7 , every ocular component measured, except for the spherical volume of
the crystalline lens, was associated with the AC/A ratio at
P < 0.05. Because there are numerous correlations
between the structures of the eye, multivariate regression was used to
identify ocular components with independent effects on the AC/A ratio.
with adjusted
R 2 = 0.16. Higher
AC/A ratios were associated with myopic refractive errors as well as
flatter crystalline lenses. Refractive error was the most significant
term (
P < 0.0001) accounting for 15.1% of the
variance. Gullstrand lens power was the only remaining significant term
P < 0.0001), accounting for 2.4% of the variance.
One reason for the independent influence of these two factors on the
AC/A ratio is that they are not associated. Age-adjusted Gullstrand
lens powers were not different for myopes, emmetropes, and hyperopes
(20.58, 20.35, and 20.46 D, respectively; least-squares means
P = 0.41). This result is somewhat
unexpected, because elongated vitreous chambers were associated with
lower Gullstrand lens powers—that is, flatter lens shapes (Pearson
r = −0.53;
P < 0.0001) and with less
hyperopic, or more myopic, refractive errors (Pearson
r = −0.53;
P < 0.0001). Lens shape appears to
contribute to the AC/A ratio outside its association with the size of
the eye.